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                                                                    and trading conditions in      The Competition              ■   Training and Awareness:
                                                                    contravention of section 4(1)(b)  Commission’s investigation     Conduct regular educational
                                                                    (i) of the Act.               revealed that CPHA and its      events and mandatory
                                                                                                  members allegedly engaged       training sessions for all
                                                                     The members of the CPHA      in a concerted practice to fix     members, focussing on
                                                                    are alleged to have done this   prices and trading conditions     identifying and avoiding
                                                                    by entering into agreements   for plant hire equipment. This     anti-competitive practices.
                                                                    for the purpose of fixing     included publishing of a Rates     This can include industry
                                                                    their prices and trading      Guide which sets out minimum     experts presenting on case
                                                                    conditions, alternatively,    hourly rental rates and terms     studies and real-life examples
                                                                    by engaging in concerted      for all of its members, which     to highlight potential pitfalls.
                                                                    practice, i.e. co-operation   undermined competition and
                                                                    between the members without   harmed consumers. The matter   ■   Governance Structures:
                                                                    an agreement, to fix their    is currently before the Tribunal     Form independent compliance
                                                                    rental rates and/or trading   who are required to determine     committees within the
                                                                                                                                  organisation to oversee
                                                                    conditions.                   whether the CPHA and its        adherence to competition
        Richard Hoal,                 Khanya Mgebisa,                On 12 June 2024, the         members fixed prices, though     laws and report any
        Lead Partner                  Associate                     Competition Tribunal          the publication of the Rates     suspicious activities. This
                                                                    confirmed that one of the     Guide, in contravention of      could include establishing
                                                                    respondents, Hard Hat         section 4(1)(b)(i) of the Act.    a panel of competition law
        Richard Hoal and  Khanya Mgebisa,   In 2017, the Competition   Equipment Hire, had entered   Price fixing is prohibited     attorneys to review and
        Cox Yeats Attorneys           Commissioner (the             into settlement with the      under the Competition Act,      approve any collective
                                      Commissioner) initiated       Competition Commission        which aims to promote fair      decisions or agreements
                                      a complaint against the       which included an order of a   competition and prevent        amongst members.
           ndustry associations play   CPHA and its members for     R480 000.00 administrative    practices that restrict market   ■   Building a Relationship with
           a vital role in fostering   contravening Section 4(1)(b)(i)   penalty.                 dynamics. Price fixing and      the Competition Authorities:
        Icollaboration and            of the Competition Act, 89 of                               market allocation are among     Engage in regular and robust
        innovation, setting industry   1998 (the Act), which prohibits   The Thin Line Between    the most serious violations     dialogue with competition
        benchmarks and norms as       price fixing. In its complaint,   Collaboration and Collusion  of competition law because     authorities to seek guidance
        well as championing the       the Commissioner alleged that   The recent case involving the   they can lead to higher prices,     on compliant practices
        collective, the interests of   the prohibited practice was   CPHA highlights how industry   reduced innovation, and       and staying informed about
        their members. Yet, within    taking place in the broader   associations can inadvertently   decreased consumer choice.     regulatory expectations.
        this collaborative spirit lies   market for the rental of plant   or deliberately facilitate anti-  These practices undermine the
        a potential minefield for     machinery. The Commissioner   competitive behaviour. This   competitive process, harming   Conclusion
        members of these associations   has subsequently referred to the   can happen inadvertently when   both consumers and the   The Hard Hat Equipment
        where their cooperation can   complaint to the Competition   associations provide platforms   overall economy.          Hire case serves as a stark
        cross into anti-competitive   Tribunal for prosecution in   for members to discuss pricing                              reminder of the potential
        territory, raising legal issues.   terms of section 50(2) of the Act.  strategies or operational   Preventative Measures  pitfalls that industry
        The recent settlement involving                             practices, which can lead      To avoid crossing the line into   associations face in
        Hard Hat Equipment Hire        In the matter before the     to informal agreements or     anti-competitive behaviour,   maintaining fair competition.
        and the Contractors Plant     Competition Tribunal, the     understandings that restrict   industry associations can take   By understanding the legal
        Hire Association (CPHA)       Competition Commission        competition. Associations     the following preventative    boundaries and implementing
        highlights how these dynamics   contends that the CPHA,     might also deliberately       measures and practices:       effective preventive measures,
        can unfold and the importance   which is an association of plant   coordinate efforts among                             industry associations can
        of associations implementing   hire firms, and its members   members to fix prices or divide   ■   Develop Comprehensive    fulfil their role of promoting
        measures to prevent           took decisions which fixed    markets to stabilise or increase     Compliance Programmes:    industry interests without
        anticompetitive practices.    the members’ rental rates     profits.                        Keep detailed compliance    compromising the principles of
                                                                                                    manuals outlining acceptable
                                                                                                    and prohibited practices    fair competition.
                                                                                                    under the Competition Act.    Ensuring compliance with
                                                                                                    Regularly update the manuals    competition law is not just
                                                                                                    to reflect changes in       a legal obligation but also a
                                                                                                    legislation and industry    crucial aspect of maintaining
                                                                                                    standards. The manuals will    the trust and integrity of
                                                                                                    serve as a reference point    the market. By adhering to
                                                                                                    for the association in their    these guidelines, industry
                                                                                                    discussions relating to the    organisations can navigate
                                                                                                    various issues affecting their    the complex landscape of
                                                                                                    members and the potential    collaboration and competition,
                                                                                                    solutions.                  fostering an environment that
                                                                                                  ■   Independent Monitoring:    benefits both their members
                                                                                                    Implement regular           and the broader economy. 
                                                                                                    audits to review association
                                                                                                    policies, pricing strategies,    Richard Hoal
                                                                                                    agreements and              T: +27 31 536 8508
                                                                                                    memorandums of              E:
                                                                                                    understanding, and
                                                                                                    communications among        Khanya Mgebisa
                                                                                                                                T: +27 31 31 536 8553
                                                                                                    members to ensure compliance    E:
                                                                                                    with competition laws.      W:

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