Page 10 - KZN Business Sense 10.3
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                    Jacquie Bhana,     In spite of the aforementioned,   health has also become centre   Break Up Tedious Tasks    part-time basis. Someone looking
                     High Performance    there is another concept beyond   stage for businesses.  But what   Tasks do not have to be   to combat boredom at work could
                     Coach, Mentor and   boredom, called ‘boreout’ at work,  if burnout isn’t the top problem   completed all in one sitting.   theoretically work two different
                     Counsellor       which is chronic boredom and   at work we should be worrying   Scheduling tedious tasks for a few   jobs on a part-time basis to
                                      studies have shown that it can   about? What if it is burnout’s   hours in the morning, and then   introduce more novelty and task-
                            re you    cause depression, anxiety, stress,   opposite state – boredom or   returning to finish the tedious   switching into their day.
                            bored out   insomnia and higher turnover,   boreout, that’s the real threat to   tasks at the end of the day can
                     Aof your         and is likened to burnout and   wellbeing?                  help break up the boredom.     Another fix is to set aside time
                       mind at work?  workaholisam.  Boreout is an   Boredom is brought on by a                                 on the clock for passion projects.
                                                                                                                                Google is probably the most
                                                                                                   Cultivate psychological safety
                         Is spending   emotional state characterised by   combination of factors including   so employees can speak up –   well-known company that does
                        the better    feeling unstimulated, unfocused   a lack of stimulation, i.e. we   encourage people to have difficult   this, with their philosophy that
                        part of your   and restless, to the point where   find our work uninteresting   conversations.          employees should set aside 20%
                        waking        people feel that work has     and unengaging. Or perhaps                                  of their time to explore or work
                        hours just    absolutely no meaning.        people don’t have enough work   Admitting you’re bored or   on innovative projects.
        not inspiring you?  There can be   Two Sides to the Problem  to do – too much leisure time   unengaged at work is taboo
        nothing more soul destroying                                can also bring on boredom. It’s   in many organisations, but it   Mental Health Support
        than feeling absolutely bored at   If you are feeling any of these   also compounded by a mismatch   shouldn’t be. Instead, speaking   Addressing and nurturing
        work.  I am not talking about   conditions, i.e. boredom, burnout   between expectations and reality.    up signals to managers that   mental health can be the antidote
        exhilaration every minute of the   or boreout, do you expect your   Expectations have grown that   someone is unhappy or under-  to issues of stress, monotony and
        day, because there are aspects of   company or your manager to give   life would be, at least some of the   utilised, and gives them time   eventual burnout.
        work that are routine.        you work that is fulfilling OR do   time, amusing and  interesting   to correct. Managers can help
                                      you feel that YOU need to change   – and so did the disappointment   identify new areas within the   This is a topic that is not explored
          At work, boredom has a bad                                                              business for someone to support   well enough in our organisations
        reputation, mostly due to its   the way you operate?        when they weren’t.            or other novel experiences to   and yet would go a long way
        connection with poor behaviours   What if you are the manager,   It’s time for ‘boreout’ to join   provide a change. They can also   to increasing productivity and
        including ‘cyberloafing’ (non-  and you are faced with a number   the workplace mental health   encourage employees to pursue   employee wellbeing.
        work related internet browsing,   of employees who just don’t feel   conversation in much the same   outside interests that benefit both
        including watching movies,    that their work is inspiring?  How   way burnout, presentism, and   employee and employer, such as   If you need any assistance
        staying active on social media),   do you deal with a world of work   work/life balance have become   mentoring, public speaking, or   with these very real challenges,
        using company wifi systems –   that needs to change and even you  primary topics.         taking on a new course.       feel free to contact Jacquie
        through to chronic fatigue.  Some   are not prepared for this?                                                          who has had good success
        have also suggested that due to                             So how can we combat boredom   Encourage Job Sharing or Job   with coaching and mentoring
        its known negative impact on   So, there are two sides to this   at work – both for the benefit of   Crafting           employees and managers. 
        productivity, being bored at work   problem – one is the manager’s   the company and the employee ?
        can be even more dangerous than   challenge, and one is the   Even if an employee’s role   One quick fix is taking on   Contact Jacquie Bhana if you would like
        burnout, and has been found to   employee’s challenge.      doesn’t directly save lives or   more varied tasks, and a way to   coaching to become a high performance
        be one of the top reasons people   Following the Covid 19   change the world, they need   do that is via job sharing or job   employee and leader of a high
        look for a new job.  Boredom is   epidemic, employee burnout   to feel that their work has a   crafting. Job crafting, is when   performance team.
        the feeling of being uninterested   has become top of mind for   purpose aligned with their   someone proactively redesigns     C: +27 83 386 8343
        in what you are doing, or some   employers on the heels of the great  values and skills.  Leaders   their job to better align with their   E:
        call it ‘mentally idle’.      resignation or great reshuffle, or   should also spot opportunities   interests, while still ensuring the   W:
                                                                                                  fundamental requirements of
          We generally tend to be more   changed working arrangements.   to create more challenging work   the role are still performed. For
        familiar with the concept of   Recent research reports indicate   to increase mental engagement.   example, someone interested in
        burnout, which is a state of   high levels of burnout and distress  This can take the form of   developing their programming
        mental and physical exhaustion   amongst employees, with 74% of   joining new committees or task   skills could increase the amount
        caused by one’s professional life.   human resource leaders in the   forces or perhaps being asked   of time they work with online
        Burnout is known to be a result of   United States committing to make  to help solve a complex problem   applications. Job sharing is when
        chronic workplace stress that has   mental health a top priority. Back   someone would otherwise not   two people share the same job
        not been successfully managed.  home in South Africa, mental   be involved in.            within a company, working on a

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