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              he conditions were      on sustainability, with no    our congratulations to all the top   donors, or the swimmers and all   from the 1 Mile and 4 Mile
              near-perfect as some 172   evidence left on the beach that   achievers and to those who were   their generous donors.”  events were shared by the 10
        Tswimmers competed            the event took place. Swimmers   competing in their first-ever                            invitational charities.
                                                                                                   The Oceans 8 Charity Swim
        in the 1 Mile, 4 Mile, and 8   were provided with reusable   ocean swimming event.        is the country’s first-of-its-kind   These include Adopt-a-River,
        Mile events at the Oceans 8   water bottles, water-on-tap,   She said the Durban Undersea   open water swim, organised   Caversham Education Institute,
        Charity Swim which took place   and minimum packaging, with
        at Durban Undersea Club on    the crews from Adopt-a-River   Club was packed with swimmers,   exclusively by charities for   CROW - The Centre for the
        15 and 16 June. This annual   on site to sort all waste into   spectators, sponsors, and vendors   charities. This swim was   Rehabilitation of Wildlife, the
                                                                                                  started by founding charities,
                                                                    – all part of the community
                                                                                                                                Game Rangers’ Association of
        fundraiser saw more than R800k   compostable, recyclable, and   supporting the various causes:   Duzi Umngeni Conservation   Africa, International Sailors’
        raised for 14 local charities –   saleable.
        with donations still coming in.                             “We had whole families        Trust, the National Sea Rescue   Society of Southern Africa, Kerr
                                       Oceans 8 Charity Swim event   participating, with parents doing   Institute, Project Rhino, and   House, Liberty NPO, One Planet
          This year, the swimmers     spokesperson, Hilary Bruss, said   the 8 Mile and children doing    Singakwenza Early Childhood   S.A., Wildlife ACT and Umduduzi
        competed across a new route   it took a lot of collaboration to   the 4 Mile or 1 Mile events.   Education to provide a   - Hospice Care for Children. 
        which went over the end of    make the event a success: “We’d   We also welcomed donations,   sustainable flow of funding to
        Vetch’s Reef, giving participants   like to extend our appreciation   in one way or another, from   14 charities with a footprint in   Watch out for next year’s Oceans
        a clear view of the marine life.   to everyone involved in making   58 companies. We couldn’t   KZN. The 8 Mile swimmers   8 Charity Swim by visiting www.
        In addition to its charitable   the Oceans 8 Charity Swim such   have done it without the event   raised funds for the founding or following @
        drive, the event also focuses   a huge success, as well as sending   sponsors, prize and goodie bag   charities and the funds   oceans8_charityswim on Instagram
                                                                                                                                and oceans8swim on Facebook.

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                                                                                                                          Physical Address: 120 Shepstone Road, New Germany

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