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                   Sameer Kumandan,   advisor’s toolkit. It can lead   completing a client’s needs   personal when advisors present   seconds, which makes for swift
                    Managing Director,   to bad financial advice for   analysis effectively.      well-researched plans based   and efficient client onboarding
                     SearchWorks      clients, expose them to fraud,                              on verified data, this fosters   and allows financial advisors
                                      waste valuable advisor time,   The impact of SearchWorks on   trust and strengthens client   to proceed with immediate
                          inancial    and ultimately erode client   financial advisor effectiveness  relationships.             plan development. All of this
                          advisors    trust,” explains Kumandan.     By leveraging SearchWorks’                                 is offered in a user-friendly
                     Fplay a vital    SearchWorks addresses these   verification tools, financial   Case Study:  reuniting      platform that simplifies
                                                                                                  beneficiaries with unclaimed
                      role in shaping   challenges by providing     advisors can protect themselves   funds                     data verification through a
                       financial      advisors with a robust suite of   and their clients against                               number of categorised search
                       futures. By    verification tools, including:  fraud. Fraudulent insurance   For example, where a financial   functionalities, which can be
                        creating        Client verification:        claims and identity theft     planner struggles to locate   used to greatly streamline the
                         tailored     Confirming a potential        pose significant risks and    beneficiaries named in a      financial planning process.
                         blueprints   client’s identity, employment   SearchWorks’ KYC (Know      deceased client’s will, they can   Trust and success all boil down
                         for          status, and financial history is   Your Client) and KYB (Know   easily use SearchWorks’ CSI   to data accuracy
        individuals and businesses    essential. SearchWorks offers   Your Business) checks, along   Trace to find the beneficiaries’
        based on their goals, income,   a host of critical searches like   with director searches,  trust   current contact details and   Verified data is critical to
        and financial situation, their   credit checks, Astute consumer   information verification, Anti-  facilitate a smooth distribution   allow financial planners to work
        expertise helps to navigate the   reports, and FAIS/DoFA    Money laundering checks as    of the estate. This is just one   effectively and to the best benefit
        complexities of growing and   checks to verify an individual/  well as PEP (Politically exposed   of many instances where   of their clients. SearchWorks
        managing wealth. However, the   entity’s financial standing and   persons) and Sanctions checks,   SearchWorks can prove   empowers financial advisors to
        cornerstone of effective financial   compliance.            help to mitigate these risks.   invaluable in the resolution of   double-check client information,
        advice is accurate data.                                                                  situations that were previously   mitigate fraud, and ultimately,
                                        Asset verification:          Armed with SearchWorks,      time-consuming and complex.   build stronger, more trusting
          “This is where SearchWorks   Understanding a client’s     financial advisors can provide                              relationships with their clients.
        steps in,” says Sameer        financial landscape requires   sound financial advice with   SearchWorks:  your trusted   “By leveraging SearchWorks,
        Kumandan, managing            accurate information about    confidence, as accurate data   partner in data verification  advisors can ensure their clients
        director of South Africa’s    their assets. SearchWorks     equips advisors with the ability   Financial advisors can feel   make informed decisions and
        largest, forward-thinking data   provides property searches,   to tailor financial plans to   more secure in their work,   achieve their financial goals
        aggregation platform, “with   vehicle ownership checks, and   a client’s specific needs and   knowing that SearchWorks   with confidence,” concludes
        comprehensive verification    property valuations to ensure   risk tolerance. In this respect,   provides an innovative platform   Kumandan. 
        search tools to empower       a clear picture of a client’s   income estimators and credit   that offers reliable data and
        advisors with everything      holdings.                     information provide valuable   real-time results. SearchWorks   T: +27 (0)86 034 0000
        they need to ensure informed    Beneficiary verification:   insights into a client’s financial   prioritises data accuracy, which   E:
        decision-making.”                                                                                                       W:
                                      Estate planning hinges        health and having access to   gives advisors the ability to
        Why accurate data matters     on locating beneficiaries.    accurate, reliable data also   make informed decisions based
                                      SearchWorks’ CSI Trace        helps to build and maintain   on trustworthy information.
          “Inaccurate data throws     and Lineage Reports assist    client trust. Given that      With SearchWorks, advisors
        a wrench into the financial   in finding beneficiaries and   financial decisions are deeply   receive search results within


                                                                             ith so many tent     no pegs are required to hold the   ■   These are ideal for long-term
                                                                             options available, the   tent in place. This means it can     use at festivals and trade
                                                                    Wquestion of which            be erected anywhere including     shows.
                                                                    is best for your function or   concrete and decks. These are   ■   It can also be placed next to a
                                                                    purpose is often asked.       sometimes called clear span     building comfortably to
                                                                                                  tents because they leave a clear
                                                                     The answer is simple, frame   space within the tent.         create a seamless extension
                                                                    tents are best suited to glamorous                            and enlarge your space.
                                                                    weddings, concerts, festivals, large   Frame tents can comfortably   ■   They are lightweight,
                                                                    corporate functions and parties.   accommodate opaque or clear     waterproof and fire resistant.
                                                                                                  panels, windows, draping
                                                                     Using a frame tent for your   throughout (including the     Sky Tents manufactures
                                                                    function takes it up to the                                 aluminium frame tents of the
                                                                    level of effortlessly stylish as   ceiling), chandelier lighting   highest quality at the most
                                                                                                  and clear ceilings. The options
                                                                    the tent is timelessly elegant.   are endless and very attractive.   reasonable prices. They are an
                                                                    They are particularly useful                                established and leading tent
                                                                    where there is no option for   A full clear PVC tent wall   manufacturer with years of
                                                                                                  will bring a magical outdoor
                                                                    shelter as they are stable and                              experience producing high-
                                                                    weatherproof.  These tents have   landscape into your decor while   quality aluminium frame tents
                                                                                                  alternating clear and opaque
                                                                    a large capacity and can hold   can also look just as attractive.   for sale in South Africa and
                                                                    thousands of people (depending                              across Africa including Zanzibar,
                                                                    on the size of the tent).     A night function with a clear   Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana,
                                                                                                  ceiling can offer guests a
                                                                     They are manufactured with   panoramic view of the night sky   Lesotho and Angola. 
                                                                    steel poles to fit the frame of   which will definitely set a lovely
                                                                    the tent and do not require   tone for any event.           For more information contact:
                                                                    internal and central poles for                              T: +27 (0)31 700 2863
                                                                    support. In fact, all the support   Advantages of Frame Tents  C: +27 (0)76 929 2609
                                                                    is engineered expertly on the   ■   The lack of centre poles    E:
                                                                    sides, ground and the roof of the    means you are not restricted
                                                                    tent to provide the best degree     to a floor plan or decor.
                                                                    of stability and durability. The   ■   These tents are very stable
                                                                    advantage of having no internal     and can be used on any
                                                                    poles is maximised space. There     terrain and over large surface
                                                                    are also no restrictions on     areas. The ground surface
                                                                    the usage of your space.  The     will not be damaged.
                                                                    structure of the tent also means

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