Page 14 - KZN Business Sense 10.3
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              ringing about the       South African Community of
              creation of an efficient   SMEs
        BSouth African business        TAMI is a South African
        ecosystem has been at the     Chamber of Commerce United
        heart of The Africa Marketing   Kingdom (SACC UK) and KZN
        Initiative’s (TAMI) purpose and   Growth Coalition initiative, with
        vision. Business ecosystems are   a desired intention to make it
        essential for the development   easy for foreign organisations to
        of thriving micro and macro   communicate and gain access to
        economies, and in particular   business linkages and business
        for the creation of growth and   knowledge in South Africa, and
        opportunity for organisations   to create a local South African
        within the SME sector.        community of small and medium
          A business ecosystem is typically   enterprises (SME) wishing to
        a network of business partners   identify and service customers in
        that combine their resources to   foreign markets.          Sharon Constançon, SACC UK    Moses Tembe, KZN Growth Coalition   David White, TAMI
        support the creation and delivery   Leading the strategy in the                           initiative
        of products and services into   creation of TAMI has been   support from professional     South African SME entrepreneurs  mentoring specialist company
        new markets.  Business partners   Growth Coalition CEO and   functional area specialists,   and business leaders could benefit  BusinessFit, who provide
        within an ecosystem include   business mogul Moses Tembe,
        professional functional foundation   SACC UK Chairman Sharon   and in developing trade and   considerably through joining   a structured approach to
                                                                                                                                building confidence and
                                                                                                  the TAMI Circle network, and
                                                                    networking partners.
        suppliers, distributors, customers,   Constançon, and SACC UK                             being exposed to international   efficiencies within growing
        competitors, supply chain experts,   South Africa Chapter Leader   Sharon and David opted to keep   networks, business knowledge   SMEs.  BusinessFit thus helps
        government agencies, and      David White.  The process     TAMI under wraps during its
        professional networkers.      of linking together service   initial creation.  Sharon shares   and influencers, and trade and   SMEs to establish solid business
                                                                                                                                principles and an engaging
                                                                                                  investment opportunities.
          A business ecosystem is a   providers and network partners   that there were many dots to join                        organisational staffing culture
        purposeful business arrangement  to ensure the efficiency of   to make sure each of the business   Networking Link      to drive quality assurance and
                                                                    ecosystem components were
        between two or more entities to   TAMI, as a central business   suitably established, to ensure   The SACC UK is the central   predictable outcomes.
        support the creation of shared   ecosystem, has taken time                                United Kingdom networking
        collective value for the benefit   to establish itself, and for it   that each foreign business would   link for TAMI, who over the   BusinessFit helps SME
        to a common group of service   to mature to the point where   gain value through using the   past years have brought together   entrepreneurs and business
                                                                                                                                leaders build sustainable
                                                                    TAMI portal, and so that local
        providers and customers.      it is now capable of gaining                                businesses and business       organisations through the
                                                                                                  leaders to create a forum and   creation of a bespoke Business
                                                                                                  meeting point for organisations   Blueprint, aimed at ensuring
                                                                                                  interested in trade intelligence   components such as leadership,
                                                                                                  and networking opportunity    functional foundation
                                                                                                  within the UK and South       effectiveness, measurements
                                                                                                  Africa.  TAMI also has other   and metrics, and engagement
                                                                                                  international networking      are considered and addressed as
                                                                                                  support partners including the   critical success factors.
                                                                                                  Commonwealth Entrepreneur
                                                                                                  Club and Invest Africa, and    BusinessFit has established
                                                                                                  South African based service   itself as a pivotal entity in South
                                                                                                  providers such as Innovate    Africa, committed to enhancing
                                                                                                  Durban, SmartXchange,         the business sector through
                                                                                                  Standard Bank, DRG, Vega      application of a scientific
                                                                                                  School, and others.           business development approach,
                                                                                                                                tailored for entrepreneurs and
                                                                                                   In South Africa TAMI         business leaders within the
                                                                                                  has gathered appropriate      SME sector.
                                                                                                  service providers in each of
                                                                                                  the functional foundation      As we look toward the future,
                                                                                                  disciplines such as human     TAMI’s objective is to extend
                                                                                                  resources, financial governance,   its reach and deepen its impact
                                                                                                  legal compliance, operational   across the African continent,
                                                                                                  support, black economic       the United Kingdom, and
                                                                                                  empowerment strategy, supply   Commonwealth countries.
                                                                                                  chain management, forex,      TAMI’s impact on the South
                                                                                                  recruitment, and other.       African economy, society, the
                                                                                                                                daily lives of business executives,
                                                                                                  Build Better Businesses       and its continued evolution will
                                                                                                   A core component of TAMI’s   likely shape the future of effective
                                                                                                  business ecosystem and        business ecosystems supporting
                                                                                                  network facilitation process is   the growth and development of
                                                                                                  to enable SMEs to ‘build better   foreign organisations entering
                                                                                                  businesses’ through following   South Africa, and South African
                                                                                                  the BusinessFit governance    SMEs trading in new markets
                                                                                                  framework.  Growth in any     and across borders. 
                                                                                                  business needs to beå planned
                                                                                                  and managed in such a way that   For more information
                                                                                                  new opportunities for growth    W:
                                                                                                  do not stifle cash flow, capacity
                                                                                                  availability, and applied quality
                                                                                                  assurance effectiveness.
                                                                                                   TAMI engaged in a supply
                                                                                                  relationship with SME

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