Page 4 - KZN Business Sense 10.3
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                   Johan van Deventer, KZN   this is particularly critical as   ensuring that every step meets
                    Regional Manager,   consumer interactions often   compliance standards. Regular
                     LabourNet        involve the exchange of personal   updates to these policies keep
                                      information, from online      your business aligned with the
                        n the digital   shopping to loyalty programmes.  latest regulations.
                        age, retail
                     Ibusinesses are    Comprehensive Risk          Technology Integration
                    overwhelmed with   Assessments                   Leveraging technology can
                      data, making     Conducting thorough risk     significantly enhance your
                       information    assessments is a foundational   compliance efforts. Advanced
                       compliance     step in identifying potential   software solutions not only
                       not just a     vulnerabilities in your data   streamline compliance processes
                       necessity but   handling processes. These    but also reduce the likelihood
                       a cornerstone   assessments help retail      of human error. For instance,
                       of sustainable   businesses understand where   integrating secure payroll systems
        business practice. As retail   their information security might   ensures that employee and
        operations handle a vast array   be compromised and provide   financial data are handled in a
        of consumer information,      a roadmap for implementing    compliant and efficient manner.
        understanding the nuances     stronger safeguards.                                        business reputation, significantly   compliance, connect with
        of data protection laws such                                Ongoing Compliance Audits     impacting your bottom line.   LabourNet. Let us help you
        as the Protection of Personal   Robust Training Programmes   Regular audits are vital to ensure                         navigate the complexities of
        Information Act (POPIA),       Employee training is essential   your compliance measures are up   Partnering for Success  information law, ensuring your
        Promotion of Access to        in ensuring that every team   to the mark and to identify areas   While the journey to full   business not only complies with
        Information Act (PAIA), and   member understands their role   for improvement. These audits   compliance can be complex,   the regulations but also thrives in
        Consumer Protection Act (CPA)   in maintaining data integrity.   help reinforce the importance of   partnering with specialist   a competitive market.
        is crucial.                                                                               professionals like LabourNet
                                      Regular training sessions can help  compliance across all levels of                        Manage your risk. Contact
         Here’s how you can enhance   instil a culture of data protection   your organisation and ensure that   can simplify this transition.   us for an obligation free
        your payroll processes and overall   within your organisation,   your practices remain in line with   Our Information Compliance   consultation. 
        business operations through   making compliance a collective   current legislation.       services are designed to align with
        effective information compliance   responsibility.                                        your business needs, offering a   T: +27 (0)31 266 6570
        strategies.                                                 Building a Culture of         seamless integration with your
                                      Streamlined Data Management   Compliance                    existing LabourNet Payroll    C: +27 (0)82 786 7480
        Importance of Information     Policies                       Ultimately, the goal is to foster   System and providing ongoing   E:
        Compliance                     Developing clear and concise   a culture where data protection   support to ensure that your retail
         Data compliance goes beyond   data management policies is   and compliance are embedded   business remains compliant and
        the mere fulfilment of legal   key to effective information   in the everyday operations of
        requirements – it is integral   compliance. These policies should   your retail business. This cultural   For more insights on how to
        to building trust with your   outline how data is collected,   shift can lead to improved   enhance your retail business
        customers. For retail businesses,   used, stored, and destroyed,   consumer confidence and   through effective information



              Thekwini Municipality   transport, fisheries, renewable   Councillor Thembo Ntuli held   think it has so much in common   an incubator programme for
              is leveraging on        energy and tourism.           a successful meeting with the   with what we are doing. AltaSea   business that are linked to the
        Einternational best practice   This comes after the delegation   team from AltaSea at the Port of   is a non-profit organisation that   blue ocean economy and they
        in the blue economy which     from the City led by Economic   Los Angeles in the United States   was established to take over   shared with us a number of
        encompasses all ocean-related   Development and Planning    of America (USA).             a 35 acre campus in the Port   opportunities for developing
        industries, such as maritime   Committee Chairperson         The delegation in USA includes   of Los Angeles’ old historic   small businesses and have
                                                                     City Manager Musa Mbhele and   warehouse and renovate them   shown keen interest to help
                                                                                                                                various role players in Durban
                                                                                                  into a modern blue economy
                                                                     Head of Catalytic Projects in the   campus. So the blue economy   to participate meaningfully in
                                                                     City and Acting Chief Operations   encompasses aquaculture both   the blue economy. They have
                                                                     Officer George Mohlakoana.
                                                                                                  on land and at sea, including   also promised that they will
                                                                      AltaSea brings together the   renewable energy from the   support the city in applying for
                                                                     world’s finest climate and marine   ocean, underwater robotics and   funding from the Bloomberg
                                                                     scientists and engineers to   anything that has to do with   Philanthrophic fund to support
                                                                     conduct breakthrough research   the ocean. We are hoping that   the ideas that we have for our
                                                                     and discover solutions to food   we can create a similar AltaSea   city,” said Mbhele.
                                                                     and energy supply, climate   facility in Durban and even    The engagements with the
                                                                     change, and ocean exploration.     in the port of Durban, where   team at AltaSea and destination
                                                                                                  we can share what we know
                                                                      AltaSea President and CEO                                 promotion activations currently
                                                                     Terry Tamminen said their    through our researchers and our   underway in Los Angeles form
                                                                                                  companies,” said Tamminen.
                                                                     focus was on investing in                                  part of the city’s aggressive
                                                                     economic activity that seeks to   City Manager Musa Mbhele   drive to grow the economy and
                                                                     sustainably use ocean resources   said replicating the AltaSea   attract international investors
                                                                     to promote the wellbeing of   project will catapult the growth   to the Resurgence Conference
                                                                     ocean ecosystems, enable     trajectory of the City of Durban   taking place at the Inkosi
        The city delegation concluded a very successful business meeting as part of   economic growth, create jobs,   to even greater heights.  Albert Luthuli International
        the Resurgence Conference activation in Los Angeles with the team from   and improve livelihoods.                       Convention Centre (Durban
        AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles led by President and CEO Terry Tamminen.                “We had a very successful
        Tamminen played a key role in helping Arnold Schwarzenegger become   “We are so excited that   engagement at the Port of Los   ICC) from 17 to 21 July 2024. 
        Governor of California. He was appointed as the Secretary of the California               Angeles and met the President
        Environmental Protection Agency in 2003, and was later appointed Cabinet   representatives from the City                W:
        Secretary, the Chief Policy Advisor to the Governor.         of Durban are here because we   of AtlaSea a company that runs

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