Page 183 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
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home support, inability to take time off work to go THINK welcomes Socio-Economic Development
to the clinics and non-disclosure of HIV status. The spend. More than 95% of its beneficiaries are
adherence clubs aim to motivate, encourage and help black Africans. Businesses can therefore obtain
participants stick to their treatment plan by creating a maximum points for Broad Based Black Economic
network of support and continuous education. Empowerment Scorecards.
THINK is supported through international research THINK’s dedicated team of experts, in close
funding as well as government, philanthropy, and collaboration with other knowledge expert entities,
industry, while research is maintained through grants. have produced the highest quality but, practical,
Dr Wallengren said, “Partners reach out to us because content currently available. Their wish is to influence
they know that the quality of our work is excellent. a collaborative and connected future for healthcare –
We work collaboratively with a number of institutions where teams work together in ensuring a heightened
and with strong endorsement of our community and awareness of, and effective response to the TB HIV
local stakeholders.” pandemics.
However, THINK also needs to generate income to Siyabonga Nzimande (Director and Programme
remain sustainable. One of the most important aspects Manager at THINK) said, “I believe that change starts
of the organisation’s work is education and training in with one person at a time, that people do not change
schools and workplaces on healthy living practices. as a result of receiving information only but when
they see those around them change.”
THINK is growing this service to encompass employee
wellness programmes, which have become an
important part of implementing the South African
Occupational Health and Safety Act. Through on-site
employee wellness programmes, employers will be
able to provide education classes, screenings, and
facilitating adherence to medical protocols and follow
up assistance to identify and manage health issues and
preventable illness. This service also aims to alleviate
the need for employees to take regular days off work
to collect medicines or have health issues monitored.
THINK initiated a school speech competition with six
participating secondary schools, whereby students
were encouraged to prepare a twenty-minute speech � L-R: David White, Samantha Aucock, Siyabonga
on TB infection and prevention; TB treatment and Nzimande, Ronelle Moodliar, Suzanne Staples,
treatment impact; and TB clinical research and the Kristina Wallengren, Trevor Mvundura
benefit thereof.
Full Name of Company: THINK Tuberculosis and HIV KEY PERSONNEL
Investigative Network (RF) NPC Founder and Executive Director:
Services: Clinical research, health systems support Dr Kristina Wallengren
and workplace wellness training to improve the lives Director and Stakeholder Manager:
of those affected by TB and HIV. Siyabonga Nzimande
Director: David White
Date Established: 2013 CFO: Trevor Mvundura
Customer Base: >95% black African patients and their Site Manager: Samantha Aucock
communities Principal Investigators:
No. of Employees: 200 Dr Suzanne Staples, Dr Ronelle Moodliar
Auditors / Accountants: Grant Thornton Physical Address: 22 Old Main Road, Gillitts 3610,
Bankers: Standard Bank Durban, South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)31 003 1817
Advertising / PRO Agency: Andrews Creative and E-mail:
Freshshoots Photography Website: