Page 179 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
P. 179

�  The Spa at The Oyster Box – an award-winning    broader community in which it operates, as well as
          haven of tranquility offering a range of wellness    within the communities in which its staff members
          and beauty treatments             reside. As a result, all the hotel’s CSI projects are
                                            aimed, not only at improving the quality of the lives
                                            of the less fortunate and needy in these communities,
       Part of the internationally recognized, Red Carnation   but also as assisting recognised charities, wherever
       Hotels Collection, The Oyster Box is proud to have   possible, to meet the ongoing financial and material
       been  accredited  as  the  first  company  to  achieve   demands required to carry out their valuable work.
       Investors in People’s new Gold Standard across its
       entire worldwide operations since 2010. The Investor in   Staff from across all departments (and usually different
       People award is given to a business that demonstrates   staff members each time), regularly go out to assist
       that people are at its heart and crucial to its success.    with the distribution of items such as linen, towels,
       Furthermore, it must demonstrate that it has robust   slippers, uniforms etc. to various charities.  This way
       systems in place  (which are externally assessed), to   ‘The Oyster Box Family’ becomes part of ‘the solution’,
       ensure that its employees are able to play their part in   in their own communities.  
       helping the business to meet its goals.
       Training and Development
       With its Corporate Investors in People status at Gold
       Standard, The Oyster Box’s Training and Development
       Plan links directly to its business goals and strategy
       which is communicated openly to all of its people.
       Everyone  works toward the same main goals: to match
       the quality of service to the outstanding and superior
       quality of its product – with no fuss!
       Across the globe, a dramatic shift has occurred in the
       way people look at the world. People are more aware
       of the effect they are having on the environment and
       it is becoming progressively more difficult for travelers
       to leave only footprints.
       Through the implementation of its Green Policy and
       ongoing efforts, the Oyster Box is committed to ‘green
       best practice’,  the effects of which it is hoped, will
       make the Oyster Box one of the most ‘environmentally-
       caring’ hotels in Africa.
       The Oyster Box sees itself as an integral part of the

       Full Name of Company: The Oyster Box  KEY PERSONNEL
       Industry Sector: Tourism             General Manager: Wayne Coetzer
       Services / Products: Hospitality - Accommodation,   General Manager Sales: Sally Gray
       Food & Beverage, Spa                 Assistant General Manager: Tyler Liebenberg
       Date Established: Opened in March 1954;   Re-opened   Front of House Manager: Sharlene Kinsey
       in 2010                              Executive Chef: Kevin Joseph
       Subsidiaries: Member of the internationally renowned   Reservations Manager: Angela Venniker
       Red Carnation Hotel Group            Conference & Events Manager: Jennifer Munstermann
       Customer Base: 70% South African; 30% International  Maintenance Manager: Jonathan Olsen
       No. of Employees: 450 pax            CONTACT DETAILS
       Auditors / Accountants: Mazars, Moores & Roland  Physical Address: 2 Lighthouse Rd, Umhlanga Rocks
       Bankers: Nedbank                     Postal Address: P.O. Box 22, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320
       PR Agency: Tumbleweed Communications – PR, Media   Tel: +27 (0)31 514 5000
       & Marketing                          Fax: +27 (0)31 514 5100
       Advertising & Design: Xpressions Advertising  E-mail:
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