Page 78 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
P. 78
Directors: John Beekman, Cindy Allan, Wayne Beekman,
and Neville Beekman
f San Martinho Beach Club in Bilene, Mozambique
Cindy Allan added, “Our various professional
competencies complement each other and allow for
The Beekman Group, located at Port Shepstone on the smooth functioning of the business. In addition, if
the South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal, celebrates 49 years business challenges come up, we are able to talk these
of operation in 2019. The Group’s continuing growth out comfortably. We meet regularly to ensure that the
and development despite tough economic times is family unit is in agreement over any decisions impacting
testament to the strength of its corporate governance, on the business.”
strategic insight and innovation.
The need to adapt to ever changing market demands
Brothers, John and the late Bram Beekman started is also well recognised. “It is important to evolve with
their business careers in the painting industry. This the marketplace. The company is not top heavy and
successful venture allowed them to follow a totally new
path. They moved to Durban in 1980 and opened their is not pressurised by bureaucratic demands, which
first Vacation Ownership resort on the South Coast. enables decisions to be made quickly and for us
From there, the business grew to become a leading to change direction as demand necessitates,” said
corporate player in the South African leisure industry. Wayne Beekman.
The Beekman Group’s management was handed BUSINESS UNITS
over to the younger generation and cousins, Neville Through constantly diversifying the business, the
Beekman, Wayne Beekman and Cindy Allan, lead a current products have been moulded over time
dedicated team. However, John Beekman is still on and complement each other. The business units
hand to offer advice. comprise:
Wayne Beekman said, “The legacy of a family business The Holiday Club was launched in 1993 and is the
is significant in that we all have a vested interest in largest vacation ownership club in Africa.
making certain that the company thrives. We are all
committed to its continued growth.” Anytime Holidays is one of the fastest growing arms