Page 75 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
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To keep up with the increased demand, a multi-million aQuellé has also been actively involved in the fight
rand expansion of the Kranskop facility increased against cancer by changing its Natural Spring Water
capacity and warehousing for the growing demand. packaging from blue to pink during spring. Every
pink bottle sold contributed to aQuellé’s substantial
aQuellé has developed a unique, customised operations
programme, integrating the existing financial and donation to CANSA, CHOC and PinkDrive.
manufacturing system to the warehouse racking and To celebrate aQuellé’s 20th year of manufacturing in
distribution network. 2018, the company wanted to say ‘thank you’ by making
a real difference in communities by giving out Hippo
aQuellé acquired a bottling plant in scenic Franschhoek Rollers to those in need. The Hippo Roller makes the
in 2016. As with their main bottling plant in KwaZulu-
Natal, the Franschhoek natural spring water is of transportation of water much less strenuous than the
exceptional quality and taste. The product bottled at usual methods. Holding up to 90 liters of water, these
this facility is mainly distributed to the Western Cape Rollers are user-friendly and for those living in the rural
areas, multiple trips to fetch water are reduced. While
area, reducing aQuellé’s carbon footprint significantly
and providing upliftment to this area. the Hippo Roller is not a permanent water solution, it
offers an immediate and appropriate response to the
Employees issues surrounding water access.
aQuellé provides direct employment for about 310 In addition, aQuellé’s Real Joy marketing campaign
people of which the majority come out of the local aims to uplift South Africans, encouraging moments
community. Management ensures workers are trained of real joy and an appreciation of life, sharing
in the fields of machine operations, quality control and and kindness.
good manufacturing processes on an ongoing basis.
Community Involvement
Marketing aQuellé is a community-based organisation that has
aQuellé’s presence and involvement in community the interests of its people at heart. The company is
events and functions throughout the country as well as involved in a broad spectrum of community projects
major sporting events has always been an important part including support of a HIV/Aids care center, local
of its brand building strategy. Each year they actively feeding scheme for orphaned children and bursaries
support outdoor events all over the country. Through to dozens of school children in the area. aQuellé also
this participation, aQuellé promotes a fun, wholesome provides fresh drinking water to the local community
lifestyle and allows thousands of competitors to enjoy and is involved in various farming initiatives with the
an ice-cold aQuellé on the ideal occasion. assistance of equipment, materials and training of the
Title sponsorships aQuellé is involved with in KZN: local people in a full range of farming skills.
� aQuellé Midmar Mile The Future
� aQuellé Mudman Series aQuellé, in its 21st year of existence, looks expectantly
� aQuellé Tour Durban to the future to maintain their 100% FOR PEOPLE
Beverage sponsorship to other events include, to name positioning in all spheres of business. aQuellé continues
just a few, Spar Women’s Challenge, Sappi Karkloof to strive to produce, serve and excite consumers
Classic, Illovo Eston MTB Challenge, Discovery ECR Big with a quality product as a genuinely South African
Walk and KAP Sani2c. water brand.
Full Name of Company: Ekhamanzi Springs (Pty) Ltd KEY PERSONNEL
t/a aQuellé Managing Director: Arno Stegen
Industry Sector: Manufacturing General Manager: Ruth Combrink
Products: Bottled Water - Natural Spring Water, Marketing Manager: Suzelle Stegen
Flavoured Drinks Human Resources: Themba Skhakhane
Date Established: 1998 Factory Manager: Nico Bosman
Warehouse Manager: Gladson Songelwa
Customer Base: Major retailers and wholesalers,
independent outlets in South Africa; Neighbouring CONTACT DETAILS
countries Physical Address: Silverstream Farm, Kranskop,
No. of Employees: 312 as at 31 May 2018 South Africa
Auditors / Accountants: Mustard & Knoesen Postal Address: Private Bag 260, Kranskop, 3268,
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Bankers: Standard Bank & ABSA Bank Tel: +27 (0)32 481 5005 Fax: +27 (0)32 481 5006
Advertising / PRO Agency: TBWA Durban, Initiative E-mail:
Media Durban, Conversation Lab Website: