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                    Dr Fareed Amod,    Porcelain material, when it is   Therefore, you’ll need to
                     Crown Dental Studio  firmly bonded to the tooth, is very   carefully weigh the pros and
                                      strong and durable. Composite   cons of the procedure before
                            ental     veneers can be fabricated by the   you decide to get them. It
                            veneers   dentist at a dental office for people   should be noted that dental
                      Dare a          who cannot afford the luxury of   veneers are not the best solution
                     simple means to   porcelain veneers.           for everyone who is unhappy
                    address a variety   Crown Dental Studio uses    with the way their smile looks.
                      of physical     a computer-aided design and   However, people can get quick
                       and aesthetic   computer-aided manufacturing   results if they want to correct a
                       problems to    dentistry machine for in-house   tooth problem in a short time
                       improve the    veneer fabrications.          frame. The decision-making
                       appearance of                                process in having veneers fitted
                       your teeth.     Much attention is required to   should evaluate if any teeth
                                      the ensure that colour, depth   rehabilitation is required and
          If you don’t like the look of   and the shape of the veneer   how any procedure would impact
        your teeth or smile, Crown    looks natural. Care is paid   on one’s self esteem.
        Dental Studio can assist.     to the colour grading from a
        Veneers are suitable for people   yellower base to a translucent   Teeth issues can be fixed
        who have crooked teeth, who   edge to ensure that the teeth do   with alternatives such as
        don’t like the colour of their   not appear dense, opaque,   orthodontics, dental bonding   Veneers are prone to chipping,   practises in Durban as this
        teeth, who have chipped front    and fake.                  and teeth whitening. More severe   especially if the person has bad   is not limited to emergency
        teeth, have one grey front tooth,                           decay or damage may need to   habits like grinding teeth or   dentistry treatment. 
        or who have thicker porcelain   While patients can select how   be corrected through the use of   biting hard things. In addition,
        veneers and want an upgrade.  white they want their teeth to   dental crowns or bridges.   due to staining most composite
                                      be, achieving a healthy balance                                                           Crown Dental Studio is one of the few
          Dr Fareed Amod at Crown     between very white and natural   Some people experience an   veneers will need to be replaced   truly 24-hour dental practises in Durban
        Dental Studio says, “They can   looking veneers is important.    increase in tooth sensitivity   after approximately five years,   as this is not limited to emergency
                                                                                                                                dentistry treatment.
        make it possible for people to   Most cosmetic dentists would   after getting veneers. You may   porcelain veneers last longer.
        have perfect smiles, which is often   suggest choosing a colour that is   feel sensitivity to hot or cold   Dr Amod’s final advice is,   Address: 26 Mackeurtan Avenue, Durban
        important for building confidence   not more than two shades lighter   temperatures for the first few   “Make sure that you know what   North.
        in one’s appearance.”         than the whiteness of your    days after your procedure, but   you are doing if you elect to   T: +27 (0)81 207 8621
                                      existing teeth.               it usually goes away.         have veneers. Don’t use veneers   W:
        Types of Dental Veneers                                                                   because of social pressure. Once
                                       In order for the veneer to fit   Care of Veneers
          Dental veneers are cemented to   naturally, a small amount of                           they are fitted, when you look
        the front surfaces of your natural   the tooth surface is removed to   Veneers cover the front of teeth,   in the mirror, you should see a
        teeth. The two most common    permit for the placement of the   therefore tooth decay is not   decision of which you are proud.”
        materials used in dental veneers   veneer. Consequently, this means   halted, and brushing and flossing
                                                                                                   Crown Dental Studio is one
        are porcelain and composite resin.   that the process is irreversible.   is still required.  of the few truly 24-hour dental

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                                                                                                             389 Umbilo Rd, Durban - 031 015 5340


                         Contact Tracy Engelbrecht on:
                                +27 82 877 7906

                                 WE SUPPLY AND INSTALL ALL TYPES
                                        OF FENCING
                                    -WELDMESH FENCING
                                    -CONCRETE FENCING
                                    -CLEARVIEW FENCING
                                    -STEEL PALISADE
                                    -BLOCK FENCING
                                       -WOODEN FENCING

                       Tel: 031 700 2606
                       Whatsapp: 079 620 4210
                       Physical Address: 120 Shepstone Road, New Germany

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