Page 16 - KZN Business Sense Nkosenhle Hlophe eBook 9.5
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                     David White, CEO   ongoing and predictable       presence                     TAMI Circle Members join    opportunity to interact directly
                       DRG Group      trade into and from South     ■   Providing mobility services   and remain members at no cost,   with Irish public and private
                                      Africa.  Through the South    ■   Engaging property experts   and also become members of the   sector organisations in Ireland.
                                      African Chamber United                                      Commonwealth Entrepreneurs   With Ireland creating their
                             AMI is a   Kingdom, the KwaZulu-Natal   Each of the TAMI service     Club.  The Commonwealth      own TAMI team of professional
                             valuable   Growth Coalition, and the   providers have prequalified as   Entrepreneurs Club is a global   support service providers, it aims
                       Tinbound       Commonwealth Entrepreneurs    ethical and effective organisations  networking platform for trade   to encourage business and trade
                      business        Club, TAMI is becoming an     and are regarded as good      and collaboration, whose     linkages between Ireland and
                      portal where    effective tool for international   corporate citizens.      purpose is promoting SMEs and   South Africa.
                     international    business leaders and                                        opening doors for entrepreneurs,
                        organisations   governments to engage directly   TAMI also creates direct links   industrialists, traders, and   We encourage South African
                        interested in   with private and public sector   to public sector organisations   various service providers.    organisations to visit the
                        trading in    specialist organisations within   such as the SA Revenue Service;                        TAMI portal (,
                        South Africa   South Africa.                Department of Employment and   TAMI therefore has two direct   to register on the site as Circle
                        can interact                                Labour; Department of Home    outcomes, both of which are related  Members, and to become part
                        with relevant   Inbound business portal     Affairs, Department of Trade,   to networking and collaboration.    of an organisation focused
                         service       TAMI is an inbound business   Competition, and Industry;   The first being a business portal   on delivering exceptional
                         providers    portal, making it easy for    Trade and Investment KwaZulu-  where international organisations   business content, providing
        and/or professional in-country   international organisations,   Natal; Invest Durban; KwaZulu-  can speak to capable and reliable   access to networks and
        facilitators.  In addition, Tami   interested in understanding how   Natal Business Chambers   South African functional area   opportunities locally and
        is a networking platform for   business works in South Africa,   Council; and South African   service providers and/or a   abroad, and where appropriate
        South African organisations for   to speak directly to private sector   Chamber United Kingdom.    professional in-country facilitator.    to provide direct introductions
        local and international business   business specialists in each of the                    The second being a networking   to help improve local and
        content and linkages.                                       A Knowledge Source            platform for South African   international trade effectiveness.
                                      following functional areas:                                 organisations to join where they
                                                                     TAMI’s initial intention was
          There is no doubt that South   ■   Banking                to encourage only international   can receive local and international   The TAMI mission is simple.
        Africa has huge international   ■   Staffing and employment    trade opportunities into South   business content and linkages.    We are intent on creating
        attraction for its local produce,     administration        Africa.  However, it has now                               a business platform, that
        goods, and commodities.       ■   Accounting and financial    also become a knowledge     Direct Linkages              benefits both international and
        There are many good reasons     reporting                   source and networking          Through the SA Chamber      local South African business
        why South African business                                  facility for local South African   United Kingdom, TAMI is being   leaders in their attempt to
        leaders and entrepreneurs     ■   Legal compliance and best    organisations, who are now   introduced around the world, to   create thriving and sustainable
        should think positively about     practice                  able to join as TAMI Circle   encourage chambers to inform   organisations. Join TAMI today
        international trade.  Inbound   ■   Understanding and       Members.  Immediately on      their members of TAMI’s direct   and give your organisation an
        and outbound flows of           communicating with specific    joining, TAMI Circle members   linkages to business solutions and   opportunity to benefit from new
        transactions are critical in     target markets             become included in the        business advice in South Africa.    networks, ideas, and possible
        creating enduring international   ■   Black economic empowerment    South African Chamber                              trading partners. 
        relationships, and in ensuring     parameters               United Kingdom mailing list    The Ireland Chapter of the
        ongoing and predictable flows of   ■   Managing sustainability    and receive invitations for   South African Chamber of   W:
        sales and purchases of produce,     expectations            business powered webinars,    Commerce United Kingdom
        goods, and commodities.       ■   Effective operations and    newsletters, and also invitations   Chamber is in the process of
          The Africa Marketing          logistics management        and local content from the    setting up an Ireland TAMI,
        Initiative (TAMI) is one of   ■   Facilitating efficient cross border     KwaZulu-Natal Business   and thus making it possible for
                                                                                                  South African and international
        many organisations in South     financial transactions      Chambers Council.             organisations to gain
        Africa helping to encourage   ■   Creating an online digital

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