Page 13 - KZN Business Sense Nkosenhle Hlophe eBook 9.5
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                   Isabeau Du Preez,   as fossil fuels, release harmful   of applications and reducing
                    Owner, Dolphin Coast   emissions like carbon dioxide,   manufacturing costs.
                    Solar Solutions   which contribute to climate change   Additionally, breakthroughs in
                                      and air pollution. In contrast, solar
                                      energy production is emission-free,   energy storage solutions, such as
                         n an era     reducing greenhouse gas emissions   advanced batteries, enable excess
                         marked by    and dependence on fossil fuels.  energy generated during the day
                      Igrowing                                      to be stored and used at night
                      environmental    Moreover, solar installations   or during cloudy periods. This
                       concerns and a   can be integrated into various   further enhances the reliability
                       pressing need   environments, including urban   and appeal of solar energy.
                       to transition   areas, without causing significant
                       towards        disruption or harm to the     Grid Integration
        sustainable energy sources, solar   ecosystem. This adaptability   Solar energy’s integration into
        energy has emerged as a beacon   underscores its compatibility with   the existing power grid is a critical
        of hope. Harnessing the power of   sustainable development and   component of its sustainability.
        the sun, solar energy has proven   ecological conservation.  Excess energy generated by solar
        to be a key player in reducing                              installations can be fed back
        greenhouse gas emissions and   Economic Advantages          into the grid in the near future,
        mitigating climate change. This   Beyond its environmental   reducing the burden on traditional
        article delves into the world of   benefits, solar energy offers a   power sources during peak
        solar energy and its pivotal role   compelling economic case. The   demand. This process, known as
        in advancing sustainability and   falling cost of solar panels and the   net metering, not only benefits   varies from country to country,   Solar energy’s remarkable
        environmental stewardship.    availability of various financial   individual solar users but also   influenced by factors such as   progress in recent years makes it a
                                      incentives, like tax credits and   contributes to the overall    government policies, climate   beacon of hope in the fight against
        The Solar Revolution          rebates, make solar installations   stability and reliability of the   conditions, and economic   climate change and environmental
          The sun, the ultimate fusion   an increasingly viable option for   electricity supply.  capacity. Leading the way,    degradation. As we work towards
        reactor, shines down on our   homeowners and businesses alike.                            countries like Germany, China,   a more sustainable future, solar
        planet every day, offering an   These incentives can help offset   Challenges and Considerations  and the United States have   energy stands as a powerful tool to
        abundant source of clean and   the initial investment in solar   While solar energy has made   implemented ambitious solar   reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
        renewable energy. Solar energy,   technology and result in long-term   remarkable strides, several   energy targets and incentive   create jobs, and contribute to
        the conversion of sunlight into   cost savings.             challenges and considerations   programmes to accelerate the   economic growth.
        electricity or heat, has been                               remain. Variability in sunlight   transition to renewables.
        harnessed for centuries, but recent   Job Creation          due to weather and time of day                               To harness the full potential
        technological advancements     The solar industry is also a source  can limit the consistency of solar   Innovative Projects  of solar energy, addressing
        have significantly enhanced its   of job growth. The installation,   power generation. To address   Innovative solar projects   challenges related to energy
        efficiency and accessibility.  maintenance, and manufacturing   this, energy storage solutions and   around the world exemplify   storage and manufacturing
                                      of solar panels have generated   grid infrastructure improvements  the potential of solar energy   sustainability is crucial.
          Solar panels, or photovoltaic   employment opportunities   are essential.                                             Governments, industries, and
        cells, are at the heart of this   worldwide. As the demand for                            to drive sustainability. India’s   individuals must continue
        transformation. These panels,   solar energy continues to rise, so   Another challenge is the   Kurnool Ultra Mega Solar Park,   to invest in and support this
                                                                                                  one of the largest solar parks
        typically made from silicon,   does the potential for job creation,   environmental impact of solar   globally, is poised to generate   renewable energy source,
        capture photons from sunlight and   particularly in regions with   panel manufacturing. While solar   over 1,000 MW of clean   ensuring that the path to a
        generate direct current electricity.   abundant sunlight.   panels produce no emissions                                 sustainable future remains
        Inverters then convert this DC                              during their operation, the   energy, significantly reducing   illuminated by the power of
                                                                                                  greenhouse gas emissions.
        power into alternating current,   Technological Advancements  production process involves the                           the sun. As we harness this
        making it suitable for household                            extraction of raw materials and the   The Solar Impulse 2, a solar-  abundant and clean resource,
        and industrial use.            The efficiency of solar panels has   consumption of energy. Recycling   powered aircraft, completed a   we take a significant step
                                      improved significantly over the   programme and advancements   historic journey around the    toward a world where energy
        Environmental Impact          years, thanks to ongoing research   in sustainable manufacturing   world to demonstrate the   is not only renewable but truly
                                      and innovation. Thin-film solar
          One of the most compelling   cells, for example, offer a more   practices are emerging to mitigate   possibilities of solar aviation.   sustainable. 
        aspects of solar energy is its   flexible and lightweight alternative   these concerns.   This initiative highlighted the
        minimal environmental footprint.   to traditional crystalline silicon                     potential of solar energy for   C: +27 (0)73 615 5068
        Traditional energy sources, such                            Global Adoption               transportation and inspired   E:
                                      panels, expanding the range
                                                                     The adoption of solar energy   further research in the field.  W:

                                     DRIVING A SOLUTION TO LOAD SHEDDING

                                         sabeau Du Preez, is the    to help you to find a solution.   involves educating her clients   less than a year of operating,
                                         owner and founder of       And for me, it’s not just about   about products, their warranties,  as a startup company and a
                                      IDolphin Coast Solar          putting a system on your roof.”  and the importance of choosing   female owner.
                                      Solutions. From humble                                      the right solution – which
                                                                                                                                 However, Isabeau’s
                                      beginnings in Ballito, Isabeau   Of note, Isabeau strives to   may not be the cheapest. It’s   accomplishments extend beyond
                                      has recently expanded her     educate her clients and is there   about offering comprehensive,   the business. She has built
                                      business’s reach far north and   to help them achieve their goals.   sustainable energy solutions and
                                      far south, even extending her   In addition, Isabeau is inspired   guiding her clients to make an   invaluable relationships and
                                      influence to Cape Town.       to make a difference, not just   informed choice. “Research, ask   connections with her clients,
                                                                    only in her community, but    questions and educate. That’s   which go beyond a typical
                                       Speaking of her motivation to   globally as well. She believes                           business-customer relationship.
                                      start the company she says, “I   that as solar energy is clean and   what I do,” said Isabeau.  She commented, “I literally see
                                      started the company because I   sustainable, its use can make a   A noteworthy achievement for   the business as my baby, and I
                                      like to find solutions. “Obviously   massive difference to our planet.  Isabeau is that Dolphin Coast   have grown with my business.
                                      we’re all in the same position                              Solar Solutions has recently   I’ve built connections with my
                                      with load shedding. We all have   The field of solar technology is   been voted as Best of Ballito in   clients and it’s a very rewarding
                                      the same problems and I’m there   complex, and Isabeau’s approach   solar installations. This was in   job to have. 

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