Page 12 - KZN Business Sense Nkosenhle Hlophe eBook 9.5
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              he manufacturing,       on an applicant’s resume      care are magnified. Leaders are   and making them feel valued.  between organisations and
              retail, financial services,   and assist HR professionals   accountable for the well-being of                     their stakeholders. Preventing
                                                                                                   The people hired within a
        T communications, mining,     in determining whether an     their employees, the satisfaction   business are a direct reflection   and mitigating irregularities,
        agriculture, and tourism      individual is the right fit for the   of their customers, and the   of the organisation. They are a   fraud, and corruption through
        sectors are key contributors to   job. HR professionals recognise   impact of their organisation on   brand’s ambassadors, and they   due diligence at all levels of a
        South Africa’s gross domestic   the significance of these   society at large.             show customers, partners, and   business can free organisations,
        product both in terms of      checks in not only verifying   Trust is critical in the     clients what a business stands   enabling them to enhance their
        economic output and as        job candidates’ credentials but   employment relationship,   for. Therefore, background   products and services, foster
        employers. In today’s dynamic   also in identifying potential   irrespective of the seniority   checks ensure that a business   growth, and make a positive
        business landscape, where     risks that could hinder       of the position in question.   hires people who can uphold   impact on South Africa’s
        leadership and organisational   leadership development and   Employers need to be able to   an organisation’s values and   economy as a whole.
        transformation are crucial for   transformational initiatives.   trust their people to do their   expectations. Here, social   By leveraging SearchWorks,
        success, conducting thorough    Finding and managing        jobs and to treat colleagues   media screening is a critical   HR professionals can
        employment and supplier       talent for an organisation is a   and customers with respect   component of a thorough    make well-informed hiring
        background checks plays a     responsibility that is both time   while representing their brand   background check and can give   decisions that align with
        pivotal role, says Sameer     and resource-intensive. Making   with dignity. But how does an   insights into characteristics   their organisation’s values
        Kumandan, Managing Director   a poor hiring decision is more   employer screen the integrity   such as the individual’s work   and expectations, propelling
        of SearchWorks, an innovative   than a costly mistake. It results   and reliability of a potential   ethic, personal values, and   leadership transformation and
        data platform that allows     in lost time and expenses due   candidate? And how in-depth   beliefs. It can also identify key   ensuring a trustworthy work
        users to conduct live, accurate   to the need to recruit and train   should this kind of screening be?   risk areas based on content,   environment. Through diligent
        searches on individuals and   another candidate and has the                               such as racism, homophobia,   background checks, companies
        companies and in-depth know   unintended consequence of      For dedicated HR             hate speech, illegal activities,   can effectively mitigate risks,
        your client checks online.    dampening employee morale     professionals, background     disclosure of confidential    safeguard their reputation, and
                                      and productivity. And the more   checks are a critical part of the   information and dishonesty.    drive successful leadership and
          In high-value segments of the                             hiring process. Fortunately,
        economy, it’s clear why each   senior the position, the higher   it’s no longer necessary to   At a broader level, robust and   organisational transformation
        sector becomes a target for   the stakes become.            manually check every fact or   ethical leadership is vital if   endeavours. 
        various forms of malfeasance    When health and safety      qualification. All it takes to   South Africa wants to improve
        – ranging from deceptive      regulations require an        run a thorough background     its economic position. To     T: +27 (0)86 034 0000
        suppliers and tender fraud    individual to have specific   check on any individual is a few   achieve this, it’s necessary to   E:
        to dubious job applicants.    qualifications to access a    clicks. The results empower HR   strengthen good governance   W:
        Background checks reduce a    workplace, embellishing or    professionals to make well-   practices. Complete and
        company’s risk for reputational   falsifying information is not   informed hiring decisions and   accurate information enables
        damage and criminal activities   a white lie, but a significant   allow them to focus on growing   better, more transparent
        such as fraud and theft. They   risk. In leadership positions,   the business, building positive   decision-making, which in
        can also verify information   the responsibility and duty of   relationships with employees   turn can create greater trust


                 hile most workspaces   In order to assess your      If you are unsure of any of these   No two companies are the   ■   Employees must have a basic
                 will never experience   workplace readiness for a fire, the   answers or you have neglected   same and each company will     understanding of how to
        Wa fire, even a small fire    following questions are a good   your workplace fire safety, now is   have to develop their own     contain the fire (such as
        has the possibility of getting out   place to start:        the time to get fire safe.    individual checklists to ensure     knowing to keep doors and
        of hand very quickly and could   ■   Have you had a fire safety     Regular fire safety   all the objectives are met. It is     windows closed as far as
        easily turn into an emergency. The                          inspections provide business   important that all the risks are     possible.
        last thing you want is the wrong     inspection at your premises?  owners, employees, and customers   identified and that high-risk
        fire equipment, equipment that is   ■   When last was your fire                           areas such as flammable liquid   To make sure you have done all
        not in proper working order, or     equipment checked and tested?  peace of mind that the workplace   stores, waste collection areas   you can to ensure your workplace
                                                                    is safe and that all necessary
        worried employees who have no   ■   Who is trained to use this    measures are in place to minimise   and hot work activities receive   is as fire safe as possible, usually
        fire safety plan to follow.     equipment?                  any risks of damage or harm.   special attention.           means calling on an experienced
          As a business owner in South   ■   Is your electrical wiring,    They also identify areas where   In addition, suitable   and professional team that you
                                                                                                                                can trust.
        Africa, you’re legally obliged to     equipment or appliances in    businesses can improve their fire   employees need to be appointed
        provide a safe workplace for all     good condition?        safety measures to create a safer   to act as fire fighters in the   Spot-On Fire Controls (Pty) Ltd
        your employees, which includes   ■   Do you have an approved    environment. There are possibly   workplace. They will be   is a Level 1 BBBEE fire protection
        the provision of firefighting     evacuation scheme?        specific fire safety requirements   responsible for performing   company servicing businesses in
        equipment and safety rules to                               for different areas of your   basic firefighting functions in   KwaZulu-Natal. The company has
        ensure the ongoing protection of   ■   What are the latest fire    workplace. Knowing that you   the event of a fire emergency   33 years of credible experience
        your employees.                 regulations?                have the correct fire equipment   occurring. Employees must   in fire protection services. Its
                                                                    at the ready for a fire in those   be instructed on how to use   expertise includes all aspects of
                                                                    varying locations is critical.   firefighting equipment and    fire protection as well as provides
                                                                    These inspections may also    be given clear guidelines     firefighting training, which
                                                                    recommend additional equipment   regarding fire precaution.   provides their clients with peace-
                                                                    or procedures to enhance safety,   Furthermore, the following   of-mind knowing that their assets
                                                                    such as adding smoke detectors or                           are covered. 
                                                                    improving evacuation routes.   safety measures are required:
                                                                                                  ■   Notices on fire safety and    For more information contact:
                                                                     The following important points                             Lungani Nene
                                                                    should be included in a fire     procedures must be displayed    T: +27 (0)73 388 8247
                                                                    inspection:                     clearly in the event of a fire on    E:
                                                                    ■   Floor plan diagrams       ■   Regular fire drills must    W:
                                                                    ■   Emergency fire equipment    be conducted to ensure that
                                                                    ■   Fire exit doors             employees know how to react
                                                                    ■   Fire hose reels             and where to go in the shortest
                                                                    ■   Fire extinguishers          time possible in case of a fire.
                                                                                                     Employees must know how to
                                                                    ■   Fire blankets             ■   notify emergency services.
                                                                    ■   Fire hydrants

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