Page 9 - KZN Business Sense Nkosenhle Hlophe eBook 9.5
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                   Prof. Theuns Pelser,
                    TWIMS Executive

                    A  a
                   recent MBA expo
                    in Johannesburg:
                      an MBA has
                      become a
        full-time, part-time, hybrid,
        blended, distance, online,
        one-year, two-year and
        even five-year programmes,
        synchronous, asynchronous,
        block release study, weekend
        studies ... How do you begin to
          The following criteria should
        be considered when choosing
        an MBA programme:

        1. Career Goals
          Determine your career
        objectives and whether the
        MBA programme aligns with
        them. Through the partnership
        with GIBS Business School
        (Gordon Institute of Business
        Science) and Toyota Wessels
        Institute for Manufacturing
        Studies, you can specialise in a
        manufacturing focused MBA.
                                      to industries or companies you   Scholarship Summary        MBA tuition, global module       students can begin
        2. Accreditation              are interested in. Networking   Toyota Wessels Institute    expenses, and residency costs      the TWIMS Ambassador
                                      can significantly benefit MBA                               during block releases and exam      Scholarship application via
          Ensure that the MBA         programmes and the students   for Manufacturing Studies     periods.                         the TWIMS website.
        programme is accredited by a   at the Toyota Wessels Institute   (TWIMS) Scholarship
        recognised accrediting body.   for Manufacturing Studies    Summary                       Eligibility & Requirements    Required documents include
        GIBS Business School (Gordon   belong to a community of high   Background                 ■   Open to all South Africans       a CV (max two pages)
        Institute of Business Science)   calibre manufacturing leaders.                             with interest in manufacturing       detailing outreach/
        is Triple Crown accredited,                                  TWIMS was founded in 2018      or related sectors.            volunteer work and a
        holding EQUIS accreditation   5. Cost and Financial Aid     with the vision of achieving an                                500-word motivational letter
        from the European               Evaluate the cost of tuition   industrialised Africa based on   ■   Only those with remarkable       discussing their identity as
        Foundation for Management     and other expenses. Consider   world-class manufacturing.     talent and a deep              a manufacturing ambassador
        Development (EFMD), as        your financial situation       TWIMS partners with the        commitment to African          and the challenges they
        well as accreditation from the   and research scholarships,   Gordon Institute of Business     industrialisation qualify.     wish to address as future
        Association of MBAs (AMBA),   grants, and loans that may    Science (GIBS) to offer an MBA   ■   Scholarship recipients       manufacturing leaders.
        and the Association to Advance   be available. As you probably   with a manufacturing focus,     will operate as ‘goodwill’    Application Status
        Collegiate Schools of Business   will only do one MBA in your   which is taught exclusively at     ambassadors of TWIMS and
        (AACSB).                                                                                    GIBS MBA (manufacturing       Applications for the
                                      lifetime, quality over cost   TWIMS’ modern campus in         focus) and must adhere to    Manufacturing Ambassador
        3. Programme Reputation       should be the deciding factor.   Kloof, Durban.               top ethical standards. A    Scholarship are currently
                                      Toyota Wessels Institute
          Research the reputation of   for Manufacturing Studies    Need for Scholarships           signed contract confirming    open. 
        the business school and MBA   offer the Manufacturing         Recognising the financial     these obligations is needed.
        programme. Look at rankings,   Ambassador Scholarship.      barriers faced by many                                      For more information: Prof. Pelser at
        faculty expertise, and alumni                               deserving South Africans      Application Process 
        success. In the five years of   Ultimately, the right MBA   in accessing the GIBS MBA,    1.  Firstly, candidates must    W:
        offering the manufacturing    programme will be one that    TWIMS has introduced the         apply for the GIBS MBA
        MBA, the Toyota Wessels       not only meets your career    Manufacturing Ambassador         (manufacturing focus). This
        Institute for Manufacturing   and educational objectives    Scholarship.                     application is independent
        Studies has delivered high    but also fits your unique                                      of TWIMS, and costs
        academic standards, including   circumstances and aspirations.   Thanks to an endowment      aren’t reimbursed by
        two overall top MBA students   Conduct thorough research,   from the Toyota South Africa      TWIMS. Only high-calibre
        on the GIBS MBA programme.    visit campuses if possible, and   Educational Trust, up to 20      students are accepted,
                                      speak with current students   scholarships will be awarded      and those not accepted
        4. Networking Opportunities   and alumni to gather as much   annually from 2021.             by GIBS won’t qualify for
          Assess the school’s alumni   information as possible before   Scholarships cover 50% of      the scholarship.
        network and its connections   making your decision.         the PGDip and up to 70% of    2.  After applying to GIBS,

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