Page 5 - KZN Business Sense Nkosenhle Hlophe eBook 9.5
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            Biz               CORNER

            TALK                 MARLENE
                                 with Business Coach

                @coachmarlenepowell  @actioncoachmarlene

              o determine where you   reliant on the business owner – no
              think you are in your   work no pay!
        Tbusiness, you may have        On the other hand, a sellable
        first identified at which stage you
        are at. Then, look at where your   asset-based business generally
                                      has employees. They often involve
        business should be based on the   equipment and processes that
        years you have been in business.
                                      allows your business to run
          First let us establish whether you   whether you are present or not
        are a lifestyle business or a sellable  (a topic for another day for those   business, as you would be with a   is required to provide for you
        asset base business.          super heros). Typically, they operate   lifestyle business.  now and that will sustain your
                                      from premises away from home
          A lifestyle business could be                              Our definition of a business is   lifestyle for as long as you    Feel free to join our next MemberSHIP
        ascertained as a business that is   and may be in multiple areas.  a commercial profitable business   shall live.       Workshop (Third Tuesday monthly) to
        owner run where the business is   A lifestyle business is a perfect   that works without you!  Once you have established that,   meet our clients who run both lifestyle
        designed to support the owner   opportunity to enable you to                              then you will be very clear as   and asset-based businesses and hear what
                                                                                                                                they are doing.
        who has other responsibilities   invest your profits outside of the   Now that you have hopefully   to whether you would want to
        e.g. a mother who is caring for   business by way of investing in   identified what stage your business   continue to run a lifestyle business   *Read my blog https://actioncoach.
        children or other family members,  property portfolios, shares or any   is at and you have seen our   (you are the business and the
        or who has other responsibilities   other wealth creation vehicles.   definition of a business, I’d like   income generator) and have the   Contact me on
                                                                                                                                marlenepowell or call +27 (0)83 479 4471
        that make it more difficult to   However, the asset-based business   you to make a conscious decision.   *Freedom to Choose (dependant
        hold a full-time job. You may   is able to scale, enabling you to   Do you want to continue to run   on time and money available) or
        prefer to work from home, rather   have the potential to sell it to   a lifestyle business and work for   a sellable asset base business that
        than traveling to an office. You   someone else and walk away with   yourself or run a sellable asset base   can provide you with the time and
        may find that you can earn more   not only the salary and profits   business that can work for you   money to enable you to have the
        working part time for yourself   earned (hopefully) over the years   whether you are present or not?  *Freedom of Choice (don’t need to   SCAN
        and prefer it to working for a boss   of running your business but also   To enable you to make this   sacrifice time or money).   QR CODE TO
        or you have no other option.  A   the money you banked that you   decision you should be very
        lifestyle business definitely allows   received from the new buyer. To   clear on why you are in business   Need a sounding board? Click on the link   SEE THE 14
        for flexibility of time but would   do that, however, you need to   in the first place (Your Purpose   below and set up a discovery call with me   BENEFITS OF
        require a very strong discipline.   structure your business so that   and Why). You should know   to help you find your true purpose of why   MEMBERSHIP
        This type of business is heavily   you’re not an essential part in the   how much time and money   you are in business.


           saac Mbatha’s strong       flyers as well as sticking flyers on   employees. The company started
           entrepreneurial spirit led   taxis windows in order to get his   tent manufacturing with only
        Ihim to establish Sky Tents   business off the ground.      three employees. In 2017 this
        in 2015. His entry into the tent   Isaac hit his biggest challenge   number grew from six to 13
        business began with washing   in 2015/16, when he felt that   employees with the company now
        and mending tents as well as,   everything was going wrong and   employing 79 people.
        on a small scale, acting as a   he had a large amount of debt. At
        middleman in the tent hire    that time Isaac hit rock bottom   While Sky Tents started with
        business. The establishment of   and he struggled enormously with   pole tents, the range of products
        the tent manufacturing business   stress. He said, “I learnt that I had   has grown to include stretch
        was in response to the many   to be brave. There was only one way   tents, frame tents and dome
        requests from people who had   to get out of the predicament I was   tents amongst other products,
        done business with him.       in and that was to pick myself up.”   for a wide range of applications.
                                                                    In addition, Sky Tents services
          Sky Tents was the name chosen   Isaac had always enjoyed listening  include the supply of tables and
        for his business venture as he said   to Ukhozi FM radio station and he   chairs, draping, mobile toilets,
        the name would encourage him   saw a means to both help people   and mobile chillers. The company
        to push his business’s growth as   to change their lives and to get his   is now venturing in to injection
        much as possible. Isaac explained,   name in the tent business known.   moulding.         Kay-Leigh and Isaac Mbatha at the Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards 2023.
        “There is nothing above the sky –   He approached the head of Ukhozi
        there are no limits on the road to   FM with a plan to be the first radio   Sky Tents has branches in nine   products; they are about your   the Standard Bank Client of the
                                                                                                  services. As a company, our
                                                                                                                                Year award in the SME category.
        growth and success.”          station to give away businesses   locations in South Africa and has   clients value our service and our
          Isaac faced many challenges   to aspiring entrepreneurs, which   international clients in Namibia,   opinions so they will even often
                                                                    Botswana, Nigeria, Algeria,
        in the first year of operation   was accepted by the station with   Swaziland, Uganda, Lesotho, the   ask us for business referrals for
        including opposition from     much enthusiasm. During 2017,   Seychelles, Zambia, Mozambique   unrelated products.”
        his competitors. As his profit   Sky Tents gave away 100 tents to   and Zimbabwe.
        margins were slim, each tent he   entrepreneurs to create a business                       For him one of the highlights of
        made relied on the 50% deposit   and an opportunity for their own   Isaac says his business   his journey to success has been
        paid by the customer in order to   success. Isaac said that helping   philosophy is based on his belief   being recognised by the Forbes
        purchase material.            people to change their lives was a   that consistency is key to success.   Africa 30 Under 30 list in 2019. In
                                      highlight of his career.      “My head has been down and I   2022, he won the Standard Bank
          He spent much time walking                                                              KZN Top Business Entrepreneur
        the streets and handing out    The business growth is evident   have run my own race. Clients
                                      in the Sky Tents’ number of   are not just about buying your   award for resilience and in 2023

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