Page 4 - KZN Business Sense Nkosenhle Hlophe eBook 9.5
P. 4


                   Johan van Deventer,   documents where these have been   data and are fully aware of their     etc. if authorised users are not in    Both departments require
                    KZN Regional      ‘scanned in’.                 responsibilities concerning data     attendance.            the specified information to be
                     Manager, LabourNet                             security (e.g., where appropriate   ■   Ensure that only authorised    retained for the last four years
                                       This type of storage forms part of
                                      an information technology system   they should know who are the     users have access to personal       of entry (i.e., five full tax year). It
                          here        and involves the scanning of paper   authorised staff).       information. This can be a    should be remembered, however
                          are two     documents and converting them to   Information must be recorded     problem where employees in    that this is only the minimum
                     Tmethods         digital images that are then stored   accurately, stored securely, in     the same office ask for personal    retention period, and the S.A.
                      in which one    on a CD/DVD.                  line with system requirements.     information – BE CONSISTENT    Revenue Service has powers to go
                      can do monthly                                The stored information must be     – if the person is not authorised,    back with no limitation under the
                       payroll:        Scanning can be conducted    maintained in accordance with     say NO!                   Income Tax Act number 58 of 1962
                       manually, or   through photocopiers,         organisational policies and legal                           (as Amended) in serious cases such
                       automatically.  multifunction printers, document   requirements.            A review of the records      as suspected malpractice or fraud.
                                      scanners, and computers output                              capture system ensures
                        Manually –    microfilm. Document imaging    The following are security                                 External agency data
                       is having to   preserves documents and improves                            that system quality records   requirements
        manually calculate your payroll                             fundamental to any computerised  are in accordance with the
                                      overall office efficiency.    system:                       organisation’s record keeping   ■   Trade unions – not only the
         Automatically – is having a   Large organisations with a   ■   Security measures MUST    procedures or industry best     contributions may be held, but
        system calculate the payroll  constant flow of paper documents     include measures which prevent    practices, organisational     also any membership number
                                                                                                                                  Courts – details of court orders
         There are always advantages   at several different locations can     unauthorised access to or    quality control procedures, and   ■   are held
        and disadvantages to using any   transfer all these documents into     alteration/destruction of,    customer service satisfaction.   ■   Local authorities – details of
        method, in this article I am going   electronic form by scanning and     hardware and software,    The statutory requirements     levies are held
        to comment on having a software   simultaneously indexing the paper     including provisions to avoid    to store and retain payroll data   ■   Banks – an employer may
        system to assist with the payroll.  documents.                accidental loss or destruction.    include:
                                                                      This should, of course be covered                           operate a saving scheme, but
         As the information will come   Advantages of document        by secure contingency/back-up    ■   Data stored for the employer      only send details to the bank
        from varying departments/     imaging technology:             procedures.                   (Assist in audits)            periodically
        employees, it is essential that you   ■   Move towards a “paperless office”  ■   Strict controls on personnel    ■   Data stored for the employee    ■   Charities
        consult with all the departments   ■   Eliminates storage space    having access to computer      (Queries)             ■   Medical Aid schemes –
        involved to inform them what your   ■   Increases efficiency    equipment and systems                                     some employers take over the
        requirements are regarding the   ■   Submission via various      e.g., authorisation controlled/   ■   Data stored for other external      administration of a scheme
        information required. The methods     departments             approved by the computer/     agencies (SARS, UIF/ Manpower)    and so enable their employees to
        used to collate information must be   ■   Electronic backups    payroll manager and continually    In all the above we shall     benefit from preferential rates.
        effective, efficient, and consistent                          monitored regarding reliability    consider the reasons for storage   ■   External Pension Fund
        with organisational values, policies,   Disadvantages of document     and performance in exercising    and the likely duration of     Managers including AVC
        and legal requirements.       imaging technology:             security measures.          retention. Records of long-     schemes other than Employer
                                      ■   Set up is expensive                                                                     Occupational Pension Scheme.
         Resources must be developed and   ■   Viruses can corrupt files  ■   Full documentation of all    term value are identified   ■   Insurance schemes
        utilised efficiently and effectively   ■   Theft              hardware and software       at creation stage and are       administered on behalf of
        for the retrieval of information on   ■   Incorrect filing and naming of      procedures. We all know how    maintained according to long-    employees. 
        demand.                         documents                     many specialist staff carry    term preservation and retrieval
         In recent years, new forms of   Access to stored information    critical knowledge in their    requirements. The two principal   T: +27 (0)31 266 6570
                                                                      heads. Ensure that there is
        storage have emerged in the form                              documentation and if necessary,    government departments with    C: +27 (0)82 786 7480
        of document management (DM)    Access to stored information     insist on regular staff rotation    the statutory authority to require   E:
        and Document Image Processing   must be controlled in accordance     to avoid being exposed to the    all employers to retain specific   W:
        (DIP). The advantage of these   with organisational policies.    “specialist staff leaving” problem.  payroll data for specified lengths
        systems is that computerised   It is necessary to make certain   ■   Basic measures covering all    of time are:
        payroll data can be transferred   that all authorised staff know     payroll departments    ■   Revenue Service
        into a DIP system and be cross-  how data is stored and the     (computerised or manual):    ■   Department of Labour
        referenced to images of the prime                                                           (Manpower)
                                      procedures for the disposal of     Lock doors, cupboards, files,


              ast Coast Radio (ECR) has   business community, so this   more customers, a funder, a key
              partnered with business   comes at no cost (yes, really) to   supplier, a specialist employee,
        E growth specialist Pavlo     the business featured.        access to information, or a
        Phitidis on a campaign to highlight                         listing with a retailer, Pavlo will
        the vital importance that established   ■   Exposure to ECR’s    extract it from the listeners and
        businesses hold for KwaZulu-Natal’s     1,3 million listeners at    bring it home to you.
        growth and prosperity.          8.10 am, Tuesday morning
                                        peak traffic radio.          Companies that have
          Pavlo, together with Aurik’s co-  ■   Exposure on their website    been featured include Serco
        founder, has started, built, and sold     (600 000+ unique users) &    Industries, Airshot, FutureLife,
        12 businesses in nine years and he     Facebook (470k followers)  Joekels Tea Packers, Stealth
        continues to drive Aurik’s growth as                        Kayaks,  Ordev and Blinds
        CEO. Aurik works with established   ■   Get the people of KZN    Syndicate, amongst others. 
        business owners to accelerate     focused on what your
        revenue growth and build value.    business needs to get to its    This opportunity is open to any
                                        next level.
          Called The KZN Future50, the                              KZN business to apply, the ECR team
        weekly radio feature takes the   ■   Be one of only fifty KZN    will choose who gets featured. To listen
                                                                    to some featured companies  and to apply
        shape of a conversation between     business to watch.      visit:
        Pavlo and hosts Darren Maule   The conversation will be about
        and Sky Tshabalala featuring   your business, what it does, why
        the KwaZulu-Natal business of   that matters and a call out to
        the week.                     the audience to get behind your
                                      success and growth.
        Why become a KZN
        Future50 business?             If your next level growth
          The intention is to support the   opportunity is, amongst others,

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