Page 6 - KZN Business Sense Nkosenhle Hlophe eBook 9.5
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              he prestigious Minara                                                                                             appreciation for the community
              Chamber of Commerce                                                                                               builders who selflessly dedicate
        TBusiness Awards and Gala                                                                                               their efforts to support South
        Dinner 2023 took centre stage in                                                                                        African and global communities.
        Durban on Friday 27 October,
        leaving an indelible mark on the                                                                                          The Community Builder of
        local business community.                                                                                               2023 was awarded to Shahnaaz
                                                                                                                                Paruk of Penny Appeal. Ahmed
           The event, a celebration of                                                                                          Osman of Human Aid SA and
        excellence, was broadcast live via                                                                                      Imraan Seedat of Lenasia were
        Hilaal TV, one of the chamber’s                                                                                         amongst the finalists this year.
        esteemed media partners, to                                                                                               Minara Chamber of
        ensure that everyone, regardless                                                                                        Commerce extends its warmest
        of their location, could partake in
        this remarkable occasion.                                                                                               congratulations to all the
                                                                                                                                winners and finalists of the 2023
           Minara’s President, Solly                                                                                            Business Awards. They look
        Suleman delivered an insightful                                                                                         forward to forging meaningful
        address on the Chamber’s                                                                                                collaborations in the post-
        pivotal role in fostering business                                                                                      event phase, cultivating the
        development. His speech                                                                                                 leaders of tomorrow, and setting
        emphasized the importance of   Left to right: Marlon Reddy, Standard Bank; Aslam Ismail, Minara Director; Ebrahim Patel, Minara Director; Imraan   an exemplary standard for
        collaboration in bolstering our   Noorbhai, Standard Bank; Nazareen Ebrahim, Minara Director; Dawood Lockhat, Minara Director; Solly Suleman,   generations to come.
        nation’s economy and the need   Minara President; Razak Jooma, Secretary General Minara; Mahmoud Abou -Zeid ,CEO : Hilaal TV.
        for unity to confront current                                                                                            Their sincere gratitude goes out
        crises and global challenges.  Business Entity of the Year   Business Entity of the Year   of Milnex was honoured with   to their major partners, Standard
                                      Award - Large Category:       Award - Start-up Category: was   the title of Businesswoman of the   Bank and Amka Group, as well
          He also took the opportunity   Ezulwini Construction was   awarded to Cape Town based   Year 2023.                    as numerous other corporate and
        to extend his heartfelt       awarded the winner in this    Astronoc and promising start ups                            institutional supporters, for their
        congratulations to every finalist,                                                         The Professional Achiever    invaluable contributions to the
        expressing his hope that they   category with Supertech Group   in this category included Khweza   2023 title was bestowed upon   success of this event. 
                                                                    Environmental Consulting and
                                      and Royal Travel as the other two
        will continue their extraordinary   finalists in this category.    Super Burger.          the acclaimed author, Shafinaaz
        business and community efforts,                                                           Hassim, who triumphed over    W:
        while working in close partnership   Business Entity of the Year   The evening shone a spotlight on  strong contenders, including
        with the chamber to nurture the   Award - Medium Category:    the extraordinary achievements   media professional Ashraf Garda
        next generation of entrepreneurs.  Ahmed Al Kadi Private Hospital was   of women, with three exceptional   and Shoukat A. Mukadam from
                                      awarded the winner in this category   female finalists: Sumaya Suliman,   Cape Town.
           The winners in various award   with Escape to the Cape and Monate   Shafieqa Ismail, and Amina
        categories included:                                                                        Minara Chamber of Commerce
                                      Dairy the two finalists.      Sooliman. Amina Sooliman CEO
                                                                                                  also expresses its deep

                                                                                                                   Dube                   The city of Durban
                                                                                               0       1           and King            (eThekwini Municipality)
                                                                                               0       0           Shaka                   is South Africa’s
                                                                                                       1           International       second most important
                                                                                                                   Airport - 60-            economic region
                                                                                                       0           year Master
                                                                                               11      11          Plan - driving

                                                                                                                   growth of            Extensive first-world
                                                                                               01                  aerotropolis,        road, rail, sea and air
                                                                                                       1           or airport city
                                                                                               1       0           0                                   0
                                                                                                       1           01
                                                                 1          1                          0
                                                                 0          0                          11          1                                  00
                                                                 1          1
                                                                                               0                                             Rated in top 5
                                                                 0          0                  11      1           1 0                     ‘Quality of Living’
                        BUY LOCAL                                11         1                  01                  1 0                    cities in Africa and
                                                                                                                                             Middle East by
                INVEST LOCAL                                     1          1                  0       1           11                    Mercer Consulting in
                                                                 1          0                  0       1           1 1                     Named one of the
                                                                            0                  11      0           0                    New 7 Wonders Cities
                              Let’s come together and heal as a nation.  0  0                          11          1                      by the Swiss-based
            Let’s focus on renewing, restoring and rebuilding successful partnerships   11  1                                                New 7 Wonders
            and investment opportunities so we can get back to promoting our city as                               0 11                   Foundation in 2014
              the ideal destination for business and pleasure to the rest of the world.
                                                                            1                          1
               Your support coupled with our world-class infrastructure, innovative   1  0             1           1                                   1
            business environment and ever evolving investment opportunities, means   1         0       0                                              01
                       we can get back to ‘connecting continents’ in no time.                          1
                                                                            0                  3                                                      00
                                                                            11                         0                                               1
                                         Tel: +27 31 311 4227                                  0       11
                                    Email:                                11

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