Page 11 - KZN Business Sense Nkosenhle Hlophe eBook 9.5
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            Lan boasts over three     backs of up to 5% of the purchase     vast ONEclub membership
            decades of property       price. Additionally, subscribers      base to increase sales.To
        edevelopment experience       will enjoy a host of other exciting     participate in the ONEclub
        and maintains a considerable   rewards offers.                 initiative, developers will
        eLan Investor Club database    This platform’s distinguishing      need to subscribe to the
        with 48,000 active members.   factor is the online technology      Azure OneProject
        Azure One, on the other hand,   and IP it employs, which enables      Management Platform (ONE
        has extensive experience in   individuals to track their       PMP online), which incurs
        developing property-related   information using a designated      minimal costs.
        software programmes, with their                             3.   Real Estate Agents:
        ONE PMP Online solution being   password. Members can track the      ONEinvest powered by eXp
                                      number of members they have
        a global innovation. It enables                                Realty will be the preferred
        tracking and monitoring of lead   and the status of transactions,      realty company that will be
                                      including property purchases
        progress up to the transaction’s   (both local and overseas).     incentivised to join
        conclusion, and authorised                                     ONEinvest’s network to sell
        parties receive unique login   The Platform:                   the development stock.
        codes to access only relevant                               4.   Suppliers:
        data.                          The ONEclub’s web-based
                                      Rewards programme has three      Our initial action item
        This New Property Club        membership tiers :               involves reaching out to
        Focuses On:                   1.   The Gold Tier               selected supplier partners
        ■   New development property       (free) presents an array         to provide exclusive
                                                                       discounts to our members.
          sales and investment for       of incentives pertaining to       Additionally, we aim to
          developers.                    property, primarily centered       extend the benefits of
        ■   Providing early access to new       around information-based       the “Cashbacks” programme
          property developments, with a       offerings and a few limited       by allowing members to
          minimum cash back of5%.        rewards. The primary          use their cashback rewards
        ■   Creating a worldwide           emphasis of this tier is to       at the selected suppliers.
                                         provide free property
          community of Property          education, webinars, and       For instance, if a member
          owners, both existing and                                    purchases a property for R2m
          aspirational.                  online seminars.              and receives a 5% or R100,000
                                      2.   The Platinum Tier           cashback, they could use
        ■   Property education for the       (R200/$15 pm) offers
          beginners and the aspirational       members an array of benefits,       their cashback at these
          buyers, as well as for the       including more larger       suppliers.
          astute investor.               cashback rewards and       5.   Database Owners:
        ■   Massive property and         access to a wide range of       Database owners can earn a
          Lifestyle benefits for the       complimentary perks.        substantial passive income
          members.                    3.   The Diamond Tier            from their members who
        ■   Offering “database owners”       (R2,000/$120 pm) provides         subscribe to the ONEclub
                                                                       Rewards programme, through
          passive income, through a       members with more            two sources, which areas
          share of membership fees, as       significant property      follows:
          well as through commissions       discounts and cashback
          each time one of the database       offers. They can access    ■   When their member buys
          owners members buys a          development inventory            a property, the database
          property.                      before other members,            owner earns a share of
        ■   A lucrative “Refer a Friend”       enjoy membership to 160          the estate agents portion
                                                                          of the commission
          programme.                     businessClubs worldwide,
                                         and indulge in experiential    ■   When their member
          The ONEclub, an innovative     benefits.                        participates in the
        and unique initiative is set                                      ONEclub loyalty/rewards
        to launch on November 1st,    The Participants:                   Programme the database
        2023, in South Africa. It is a   1.   Members:                    owner is rewarded with
        globally-based online rewards      ONEclub’s rewards programme          a 15% share of the monthly
        programme catering to the        offers subscribing members          membership fee.
        world’s largest community of      exclusive access to investment
        property owners, investors,      properties at a preferential    We anticipate having a target
        developers, agents, and          price, as well as various other    database of close to one million
        suppliers. The programme offers                             potential members. 
        subscribing members numerous        benefits such as 2-for-1
                                         dining, cashbacks, free online
        property and other benefits,                                W:
        including the opportunity to        education, discounted online
                                         shopping, and more.
        acquire properties at preferential
        pricing rates before public   2.   Developers:
        launch, with discounts or cash      Developers can leverage the

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