Page 8 - KZN Business Sense Nkosenhle Hlophe eBook 9.5
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                  Jacquie Bhana, Jacquie   giving them skills and confidence                                                      disorders need to be checked.
                   Bhana Consulting, High   necessary for cultivating cultures of   WHEN YOU BUILD OTHERS                       ■   Keep in touch – work in
                    Performance Coach,   psychological safety and managing                                                        supportive teams, with a mentor
                    Mentor and Counsellor                             UP YOU INCREASE YOUR OWN
                                      mental wellness.  Whilst managers                                                           or trusted group of colleagues
                                      are expected to take responsibility                                                       ■   Ask for help
                              hen     for employee wellbeing, not enough    HEIGHT OF GREATNESS.                                ■   Take a break – allow employees
                              we      is being done to equip them to                                                              to be on break
                      Wtalk           deal with this new challenge – on                                                         ■   Sleep adequately
                       about mental   top of all the changing business   Companies need strategies and   chronic mental health may be the   ■   Do something you’re good
                       health, what   requirements in a  world order that   guidelines to assist both parties.  result.  Supporting short term
                       does this      is being rocked by disruptors.                              problems to reduce long term     at – hobby such as gardening,
                       actually mean?                                Certain workplace factors    effects is better.              crosswords, Netflix, cycling,
                                       Some companies have outsourced   negatively affect mental health.                          book club, crafts, etc.
                        Mental        mental health service to experts to   There are some frightening   Educating, supporting   ■   Accept who you are – self
        health includes our emotional,   assist.  However, the average use of   statistics below:  and encouraging employees      acceptance and self-care
        psychological, and social well-  Employee Assistance Programme   ■   In South Africa one in four    creates awareness of issues of     are vital, as is mindfulness,
        being.  It affects how we think, feel   (EAP) Services is as follows:    employees suffer from depression  discrimination, stigmatisation,     meditation and spiritual
        and act, and helps determine how                                                          and harassment, and encourages     fulfilment.
        we handle stress, relate to others   ■   46%  – No not accessed  ■   30% of UK workers have been    openness in these topics.   ■   Care for others  –  supporting
        and make choices. Did you know   ■   21%  –  Yes accessed     diagnosed with mental health    Appropriate policies may be     someone if they’re off work and
        that by 2030, 80% of the workforce   ■   33% – I don’t know about my      conditions at some point, and    developed where necessary.    when they return to work.
        will be suffering with depression.      company’s EAP         over 6000 people with long
        Mental health is predicted  to be                             term mental health problems    New ideas and thoughts are   ■   Stay connected and continue to
        the new fourth bottom line.    While it is commendable that     die by suicide.  In South Africa    coming to the fore, e.g., LGBTQI     strengthen your relationships
                                      some action is being taken,     this number is  about 8000.  – a community that must not   Organisations are not only
        What’s happening in business in   recognising that this problem                           be forgotten as we deal with   inanimate buildings and
        this space?                                                 ■   80% of employees will come to
                                      cannot be resolved by delegating it     work despite depression  the subject of mental health.    machinery, but organisations are
          While many workers admit    to an outsourced provider is only is                        Almost half of the trans people   made up of people like you and me.
        that they struggle with their   not enough.  A quiet disengagement   ■   Presenteeism costs South Africa    have thought about taking their   We are part of the organisation. We
        mental health, disclosing mental   from a once active employee cannot     millions per year  lives and they often experience   represent them. And we all have a
        health disorders to employers   go undetected and should be acted   ■   75% refuse to get treatment  discrimination by healthcare staff.  role to play – we could be helping
        is still an issue.  Only 25% of   upon.  There are visible signs of   ■   46% fear discrimination, fear                 our colleagues without trying too
        managers feel that they had good   mental health challenges, and even     and shame        Creative solutions through   hard.  We see them every day.  Let’s
        support in dealing with employee   though people try and mask their                       robust workplace engagement and   make more of an effort to really see
        depression.  More than one in   circumstances, there is a need to   ■   25% don’t disclose because there    participation must be developed.    them, hear them and act on new
        ten people don’t know how to   listen or tune in carefully for signals:     is no support or guidance  Here are some examples of new jobs   and innovative solutions. 
        react or what to say to someone                              Businesses must do something   being contemplated for the future:
        with depression.  Of the 80% of   ■   Hear what they say – they could    beyond the obvious to deal   ■   Wellbeing directors  Jacquie has been working with people
        employees who have taken time     be telling you something; many    with this problem. Work that   ■   Sleep coaches    in business that experience mental
        off work because of depression,     people are suffering in silence.     is stressful, overwhelming,                    health problems through her coaching
        32% did not tell their employers     Loneliness is one of the biggest    boring or for which employees   ■   Chief of happiness  and mentoring programme. She has
                                                                                                                                done presentations at conferences and
        the reason was depression.      problems being experienced.     are overskilled or  underskilled   ■   Wellbeing data analysts  has found that there is a strong need
                                        Even amid crowded spaces,                                 ■   Smile specialists         for business to engage more robustly
          This is not shocking, as most     people can experience severe    work, amongst other issues can                      on this topic. There are emerging rich
        managers don’t feel comfortable     loneliness.             contribute to mental health.  ■   Virtual and remote wellbeing    and vibrant discussions in this area,
                                                                                                                                especially after Covid and with younger
        talking to their employees                                   There needs to be an increased     professionals           employees.  She can be contacted to assist
        about mental health due to the   ■   Be aware of the false reassurance    investment in employee mental   ■   Wellbeing tech experts  organisations with their managers and
        lack of resources and guidance     of the smile – it could be    health through training managers,   ■   Resilience specialists  employees if there is an identified need.
                                                                                                                                Jacquie Bhana Consulting is a level one
        on how to respond.  This        shrouded in silent struggles.  human resources and clinic staff.                        BBBEE company.
        often leaves employees feeling   ■   Appearance is less helpful as a    Managers need training to listen,   What Can Employees Do?    For more information
        unsupported and unheard         diagnostic tool than we have    show empathy, on how to talk   ■   Participate actively in company    C: +27 83 386 8343
        which can exacerbate  their     been led to believe.        about this problem and more     programmes and contribute    E:
        mental health challenges.                                                                                               W:
                                      ■   By the time mental health is    importantly how to take the next     to improving programmes
          There needs to be a shift in     outwardly obvious it is probably    step and deal with the problem.  ■   Keep active – participate in
        culture around creating safe spaces     very bad.            A deeper connection and regular     exercise programmes, and
        for dialogue about mental health in                         check-ins with employees through     eat well – make it a social event,
        the workplace. We need to develop   Some Issues and Solutions   one-on-one conversations between     away from your desk; join a
        tools and guidance for training   In dealing with this new   the manager and colleagues is     lunch club; share meals.
        and coaching managers through   conundrum, there is a role for both   required. Encouraging people to   ■   Drink sensibly – disorders such
        challenging conversations by   the employer and the employee.   talk sounds obvious, but if ignored,     as alcoholism and eating


           acquie Bhana is currently   minds, who are ambitious and   career counselling, life coaching   find that they can open up about   The Beier Group coaching programme is
           contracted as a coach for the   want a better role, a better job, and  as well as high performance   a number of issues. What I’ve   facilitated by Jacquie Bhana; Beier Chief
                                                                                                                                Operations Officer, Warren Sachs; Beier
        JBeier Group’s bursary students.  greater mobility.”        management and leadership     found is that there is great need   Group Human Resources Director Rajen
        Beier has a well-established                                coaching.                     to sometimes talk about some of   Reddy; and Group Human Resources
        bursary programme for school   The bursary programme                                      the mental health issues as well as   Manager, Beverley Palmer.

        going learners, students that   recipients range from the chief   She commented, “What I love   home relationships with family.  Scan the QR code below to watch some
        attend university and actually for   financial officer, who attended   about this programmes is that                    recent videos.
        students inside the organisation.  Harvard earlier this year on an   I have the opportunity to help   One of the biggest needs for
                                      executive programme, through to   many of these students to develop   the external students is to
          Jacquie commented, “It has   candidates who are at university   life skills, and to build confidence
        been a privilege working with the   and technicians studying   to operate in the world of work.   have a job at the end of their   SCAN
        Beier Group due to the absolute   apprenticeship type programmes.   It’s amazing how they open up to   studies. However, most of   QR CODE
        heart, passion and authenticity                             an objective outside coach and   the students are successful   TO SEE
        with which they treat this     Jacquie coaches all of these   they’ll reveal a lot of what their   because Beier recruits the best
        bursary programme. The bursary   candidates to deal with issues   needs are. I provide an absolutely   students from the most needy   VIDEO
        programme benefits a lot of bright   that come up in the lives such as   safe space for them to talk. They   communities.” 

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