Page 3 - KZN Business Sense Nkosenhle Hlophe eBook 9.5
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              enako Marketing, a full-  vital aspects of brand building,   Hlophe, a qualified Brand   In their efforts to strengthen   Kenako Marketing is more than
              service marketing agency   events management and the media  Strategist. Armed with a Vega   their national presence, Kenako   just a marketing agency; it is a
        Kwith a focus on brand        industry, providing valuable   Honours Degree, Nkosenhle    Marketing is in the process of   storyteller, a catalyst for change
        storytelling, event management   guidance to all in attendance.   has cultivated a company with   relocating their Johannesburg   and sign of good things to come
        and video production, is shaping   Yet, it was her professional   a mission to TELL BRAND   offices in Bryanston ahead of the   in the world of branding and
        the future of the industry in South   achievements that resonated; it   STORIES, BETTER. Their   Gauteng Business Breakfast which   events. As they approach a new
        Africa. Under the leadership of   was her message of empowerment   dynamic team consists of a   is scheduled for February 2024.  era, we applaud their journey,
        CEO Nkosenhle Hlophe, Kenako   that left a mark.            diverse blend of creatives, each                            accomplishments and dedication
                                                                                                   The agency also unveiled their
        Marketing, has grown to become   Carol encouraged attendees   bringing unique expertise to the   new website, www.kenakosa.  to enhancing brand narratives.
        a trusted partner for business of   to embrace excellence as an   table. From brand strategists and, which serves a platform   In the extensive marketing
        all sizes, helping them to grow and                         marketers to production gurus,                              landscape, Kenako Marketing has
        make a lasting impact.        integral part of their identity, to   account executives, PR, events and   to showcase their innovation in   consistently upheld a standard of
                                      pursue their ambitions without                              marketing, PR, video production,   excellence, and their story is far
          In September 2023, Kenako   apology, and to set their sights   communications specialists, they   and event planning. The online
        Marketing hosted a remarkable   high. Her words sparked fire,   boast a wide range of skill sets.   gateway offers clients and partners   from finished. With a promising
                                                                                                                                future, they are certain to remain
        Business Breakfast event at the   inspiring the audience to break   With a combined staff   a window into the world of what   leaders in brand storytelling and
        Durban International Convention   boundaries and reach for their   experience of over 60 years,   the agency does and the potential   event management.
        Centre. The event was themed   dreams with confidence.      some of their creatives bring 13   they offer to brand affinity.
        “Growing Brands Through                                     years’ experience to the table,                              Kenako Marketing is extending
        Strategic Events and Marketing”,   A Journey of Excellence and   backed by previous work with   A Legacy of Excellence  a complimentary business
        and it brought together a diverse   Reinvention             corporate, government, and non-  Kenako Marketing’s legacy   consultation for any corporate
        audience, including marketing   Nkosenhle Hlophe, took to   profit organisations. This diverse   of excellence in the marketing   service. They will provide a
        professionals, business owners and  the stage to share his journey.   background enables them to   and PR, video production and   no-obligation one-page report
        entrepreneurs, all eager to gain   Nkosenhle, a qualified Engineering   provide a wide range of services to   events management space is   containing their recommendations
        insights and inspiration.     Geologist, transitioned into   their clients.               a conformation to the power   for your brand, marketing
                                      media entrepreneurship with a                               of vision, dedication and     campaign, event, or company
        The Highlight                 passion for strategic corporate   New Beginnings            commitment to excellence. Under   profile video concept. 
          The crown jewel for the event   communications. In 2010, he   In addition to the significance   the leadership of Nkosenhle, the
        was the keynote address delivered   established Kenako Marketing,   of the Business Breakfast event,   future of Kenako Marketing and
        by Carol Bouwer, a renowned   embarking on a journey that   Kenako Marketing has relocated   the broader marketing landscape in   To schedule an appointment,
        South African businesswoman   led him to engage in events and                             South Africa looks promising. As   companies can reach out via email at
        and television presenter. Bouwer’s   acclaimed TV productions. His   to their new premises located at   they settle into their new premises, or contact them
                                                                                                                                through phone or WhatsApp at
        journey, which includes owning   background lies in crafting    135 Musgrave Road, symbolising a   we eagerly anticipate the innovative   081 313 8551
                                                                    new chapter in their journey. This
        an international renowned     brand narratives, fostering                                 brand strategy stories they will
        television production company   innovative teams and guiding them   space is a commitment to pushing   continue to craft, the events they
        and founding the prestigious   towards success.             the boundaries of innovation and   will execute the finesse and the
        Mbokodo Awards, captivated the   Leading Kenako Marketing   storytelling. The premises serves as a   cutting edge video and content
        audience. Her insights spanned                              hub for creativity, strategic thinking   production they will develop.
                                      alongside him, is partner, Gugu   and exceptional storytelling.

                                                                            Keynote speaker: Carol Bouwer

        Nomfundo Mcoyi-Zondo, Gugu Hlophe, Carol Bouwer, Nkosenhle Hlophe and   Oneliswe Sotshongaye, Lerato Mhlakwana
        Thandi Sabelo.                                                      & Nothando Hadebe

        Kenako Management and Team                                                                            Durban ICC CEO: Lindiwe Rakharebe

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