Page 118 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 118
CEO: Director:
David White Charles Henzi
AN OUTSOURCING OPPORTUNITY it follows that one may apply business terminology
further in considering people-related factors.
In keeping with well-established global trends in
the outsourcing of business support solutions, we Our Employee Investment service aligns Enterprise
have been delivering ‘just right’ HR solutions to Strategy with Human Capital Strategy and, inter-alia,
our ever-increasing client base – over-border and addresses the following:
transcontinental. Such solutions enable our clients Getting the base right – ensuring that pay levels
to stay focused on the fundamentals of leading their support the acquisition, mobilisation and
businesses. We take care of non-revenue producing retention human capital. That pay practices are
but, nevertheless, essential HR support activities. With defensible in terms of fairness (Equity) principles,
DRG Outsourcing you can draw in professional human for example, job grades are in place, a logical
resource skills on a needs basis, for example ... pay structure founded upon job grades is in
place, policies and procedures governing pay
Human Capital Best- Practice Support practices are in place.
The perception of the term ‘HR Management’ Creating an environment that allows people to
referring to business practice in respect of people in deliver to the best of their ability, then to
the enterprise, has evolved from a mainly statutory recognise and reward exceptional contribution.
compliance and administrative emphasis to that of Here a number of factors come into play,
investing in people. We encourage enterprises to look for example, training and development, career
beyond the notion of the cost-of-employment. People development and, most importantly, a leadership
should be employed to contribute actively to business
results, not to simply follow the job description; to be style enabling people to deliver results to
focused on results, not activity. For effective people their full potential. This latter state we refer to as
outcomes, the people expenditure mindset must employee engagement and we describe it as:
evolve to a focus on investment, hence our preference Highly Engaged People, Taking Self Inspired
for the term human capital – from income statement to Action − For Results!
balance sheet! After all, it is people who mobilise and In this regard, the core of this DRG Outsourcing
nurture an organisation’s assets. service offering is our Inspiring Purpose Leadership
In delivering our human capital best-practice support Development Programme, providing leaders with a
service, we recommend the introduction of an audit business-case point of reference in establishing team
of current practices and will conduct such audits member focus where they gain practical insights into
according to a structured methodology. The audit the ‘business of the business’ through discovering
process will discover areas of risk and opportunity in their role’s Zone of Influence; then measure their
terms of optimum people practices and, in so doing, contribution to business performance. We help to
provide an enabling framework for appropriate design an enterprise’s reward strategy to reinforce
initiatives. DRG Outsourcing is well placed to provide a the process by linking reward to results. We call this
full or partial human capital support service, either on a contribution dividend or a share in the spoils of
a retainer or project basis, according to need. entrepreneurial behaviour; traditionally referred to as
a performance incentive.
Employee Investment
If people are to be regarded as business assets in Contract Employee Management Services
terms of the knowledge, expertise and mindset that The employment of skilled specialists on a contract
they apply to the achievement of business objectives, basis is a well-established and growing global trend.