Page 117 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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your brand’s visibility is built through online media,   and development of the digital marketing industry in
       inbound marketing and advertising.   South Africa and the South African economy.
       Technology                           Through the DigitLab Academy, over 150 people a year
       As a Digital Agency, DigitLab helps its clients improve   receive training on a variety of digital skills, including
       their customer experiences by offering app development,   social media masterclasses, SEO, digital brand strategy
       web  development,  ecommerce development, mobile   and influencer marketing workshops.
       website optimisation and website design.  Through internal training and internship programmes,
       DigitLab’s Achievements and Highlights  we have also been actively involved in training over 60
       DigitLab also contributes in a number of ways to the   staff members in digital marketing and digital business.
       local economy. As an employer of over 30 market-   Many of these staff members have been equipped to
                                            start their own businesses in the digital industry, or have
       ing professionals, DigitLab has been integral in deve-  continued to work and grow in digital marketing.
       loping the digital industry in KwaZulu-Natal through
       our Digital Swarm events, which aims to acce-   The Future
       lerate business, digital thinking and promote the   Our plan is to build an international digital agency with
       development of the digital community in South Africa.   its head office on the shores of KZN. “We are proud of
       The DigitLab Academy, a SETA registered institute,   our hometown and hope to add value to its economy
       is another way in which we contribute to the growth   and its people.” — Mike Saunders, CEO of DigitLab

       f   The January 2018 Startup Grind Durban event featured Mike Saunders.

       Full Name of Company: DigitLab Digital Brand   happiness and success, growth for people and
       Strategy (Pty) Ltd                   inspiration for the industry.
       Nature of Business: Digital Agency   #WorkFamily - Building a team of high performers
       Services: Digital Creative and Strategy, Web and   who help each other win. People are important in any
       App Development, Social Media, Content Creation,   business and at DigitLab we have leant firmly on a
       Research, SEO and Online Media Placement.  culture of Work Family. Making sure that people feel
       Date Established: February 2011      appreciated and valued in the business.
       No. of Employees: 30
       Auditors / Accountants: Kloof Financial Services  KEY PERSONNEL
       Bankers: Standard Bank               CEO: Mike Saunders
       B-BBEE Status: Level 2               Managing Director: Vicky Meagher
       VISION                               CONTACT DETAILS
       To Become a world-renowned digital agency, making   Head Office
       a significant contribution in the lives of our clients, our   Physical Address: 10 Old Main Road, Gillitts, 3610
       people and our industry.             Postal Address: P O Box 867, Kloof, 3640
       MISSION                              Tel: +27 (0)31 764 0975
       Growth - Expanding our reach and ability to make   E-mail:
       a significant contribution to our clients, people   Website:
       and industry.
       Excellence - A call to excellence drives client
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