Page 116 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 116
CEO: Mike Saunders MD: Vicky Meagher
A LEADING DIGITAL MARKETING for your brand and breathe life into big ideas, DigitLab
AGENCY is your go-to digital agency.
As an agency, DigitLab works closely with brands
DigitLab is a leading digital marketing agency in
South Africa, which combines digital innovation, to develop actionable brand strategies, carry out
technology, content and strategy to help build brands competitive market analysis, leverage digital platforms
in a digital world. Led by founder and CEO, Mike and use transformational thinking to differentiate and
Saunders and Vicky Meagher, managing director, transform brands and businesses.
DigitLab has grown from strength to strength over Social Media
the last few years.
With a digital-first mindset, DigitLab uses the power
Established in 2011, DigitLab has worked with more of social media to create powerful campaigns that
than 30 local and international brands and businesses, are tailored to each of our clients. While strategic
helping them win the hearts and minds of their and unique content paired with a team of dedicated
consumers through captivating digital experiences. community management ensures our client’s online
DigitLab’s Johannesburg office was opened in 2018 customer service and community engagement are
to help the digital marketing agency better service being looked after.
their Johannesburg clients. The head office is based in Search Engine Optimisation
Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal.
DigitLab’s dedicated search engine optimisation (SEO)
As a business, DigitLab is a collaborative agency team puts strategy into play and uses technical
that works hand-in-hand with its clients to create optimisation, auditing, content marketing and outreach
successful digital marketing campaigns and content. to make our client’s brands discoverable.
Sticking to its narrative of ‘helping people win’, DigitLab’s Using expert techniques to make brands and
diverse team of creatives, designers, developers, businesses visible, DigitLab offers services that
programmers, strategists, technologists, and writers include SEO audits and implementation, site opti-
all work together to craft and create beautiful digital misation, front-end coding, and strong content
experiences for their clients. marketing strategies.
Our Services Research
Creative Part of DigitLab’s offering includes research to help
“Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just brands and businesses not only better understand
remember the impression you make.” As the world their customers, but also understand their market.
and businesses evolve, consumers are more discerning These services include online reputation management
– brands must inspire loyalty to succeed in the modern (ORM), competitor analysis, brand reports and crisis
marketplace. At DigitLab, we work with brands to management planning.
create captivating digital experiences that help brands Media
to win the hearts and minds of their consumers.
Reaching the right people at the right time is of
utmost importance when it comes to the world of
At DigitLab, we believe that the combination of strategic advertising. Through accurate audience targeting
business solutions and creative problem solving will lead on the platforms where your audience interacts
brands through the changing consumer and technology most, we can hone in on the people that matter. As
landscape. If you want to create a customised roadmap a digital media advertising agency, we ensure that