Page 111 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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this is the reason DCC values each of its agents and   structure they use. DCC continues to invest in the latest
       ensures they get the right training.   technology and through its IT partner SafriCloud, DCC
                                            has a state-of-the-art cloud contact centre. With all the
       “Our industry is people dependent and through our   advantages this service offers coupled with a predictive
       total employee value offering, we strive to retain our   dialler system, data protection, a fully integrated
       people and keep them happy,” says McNabb. “Each   collections  system  and  extensive  investment into  BI
       of our agents has a strong support structure through   analytics,  DCC  ensures  that  its  agents  can  leverage
       their team managers and coaches – they can call on   off the world’s best technology to be safe, effective
       additional expertise when it is needed and this gives   and efficient.
       them prospects for growth too.”
                                            DCC is registered as a Debt Collector under the Debt
       Technology                           Collectors Act in 2013 and an international member of
       The agents are, however, only as strong as the infra-  the Credit Services Association (CSA).

       Nature of Business: Consumer credit debt collection   VISiON
       and recoveries                       To be recognised as the most innovative, intelligent
       Services / Products: DCC operates across multiple   and ethical consumer debt company in Africa.
       products including inter alia cheques, loans and credit
       cards and have a diverse spread of portfolios catering   KEY PERSONNEL
       for pre-legal, legal and write off collections  CEO: Andy McNabb
       Date Established: 2001               CFO: Steve McNabb
       Associates: Attorneys RL Daly Inc., Morris Fuller   Operations and Client Liaison: Verusha Christmas
       Williams Inc., Daly Morris Fuller Inc. and national   HR and Facilities Director: Dennis Dallas
       network of over 160 correspondent attorneys.  CIO: Mark Sclanders
       Customer Base: South Africa’s major credit providers   CONTACT DETAILS
       in the banking and retail sectors
       No. of Employees: 550 plus           Head Office
       Auditors / Accountants: PricewaterhouseCoopers  Physical Address: 24 Flanders Drive, Mount
       Bankers: ABSA                        Edgecombe, 4300
       Advertising Agency: Jimbu Media      Postal Address: P.O. Box 2137, Mount Edgecombe
                                            Country Club, 4301
       B-BBEE Status: Level 3
                                            Tel: +27 (0)31 538 1000
       MISSION                              Fax: +27 (0)31 538 1903
       Our mission is to assist consumers to be credit   E-mail:
       worthy.                              Website:
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