Page 109 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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requirements, using the professional teams, has also   “And most importantly instilling a great respect for
       meant an edge against its competitors.  the legal profession, the law and the courts.”
       The Cox Yeats sustainability strategy, Jackson said   The last five years have brought much change to the
       was on internal organic growth, building expertise   legal and business profession, while technology has
       from within using team work, while remaining   made it necessary for lawyers to adapt in the way
       independent at all costs. Attorneys were made   they practice. “Today Cox Yeats is larger than it has
       partners sooner than most law firms in order   ever been. As a result, we can serve a number of
       give recognition to their roles and responsibilities   major companies across KwaZulu-Natal and South
       within the firm. This strategy also encourages them   Africa. We are offering our clients the benefit of
       to remain employees rather than to job-hop, which   significant resources, intellectual capacity and the
       is often the case in the legal profession. Assuring   personalised service that is the trademark of our
       young attorneys that working in KwaZulu-Natal,   organisation,” says Jackson.
       offers great career opportunities as well as   The internationally focused but provincially based
       lifestyle benefits is part of the Cox Yeats ethos.   firm not only has its eye on the future but is making
       “We also believe a good balance between work   sure the operation remains grounded in its top
       and life is so important for our staff. That balance   priority: the needs of those coming through  its
       translates into us being able to give of our best for   office doors each day in search of trustworthy and
       our clients,” says Jackson.          excellent legal support.
       In addition, Cox Yeats is passionate about teaching   “The firm is confident, excited and positive about the
       and nurturing young students. Jackson commented,   future,” concluded Jackson.

       Full Name of Company: Cox Yeats Attorneys  practical and effective legal solutions to clients both in
       Nature of Business: Legal Services / Attorneys  KwaZulu-Natal and further afield. With a diverse range
       Services: Specialised Legal Services  of specialised services, our partners take on legal
       Date Established: 1964               challenges of any scale and complexity, while always
       No. of Employees: 86                 acting in the best interests of our clients.
       Bankers: Standard Bank (Primary)     KEY PERSONNEL
       Memberships: SA Law Society          Managing Partner: Michael Jackson
       BEE Status: Level 4
                                            CONTACT DETAILS
       VISION                               Physical Address: 21 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office
       To make a positive difference in our world and to   Park, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, 4320
       do this by consistently being the most dynamic and   Postal Address: PO Box 913, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320
       innovative law firm that offers highly personalised   Tel: +27 (0)31 536 8500
       expertise.                           Fax: +27 (0)31 536 8088
       MISSION                              E-mail:
       Cox Yeats is a leading law firm that offers personalised,  Website:
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