Page 108 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 108
Michael Jackson
expertise, which creates attention to detail and
vibrant ‘cross-pollination’ that makes the firm a ‘true
Cox Yeats is a leading firm of attorneys that offers life partner’ for clients. The teams include Corporate
a wide range of commercial and personal legal Commercial and Natural Resources; Construction &
services. Located on the uMhlanga Ridge, Cox Yeats Engineering; Property; Maritime; Labour; Insolvency
is the largest law firm based only in KwaZulu-Natal. and Recovery of Assets.
Graham Cox established the firm in 1964, more
than fifty years ago. Jeremy Yeats joined him and “To give the best service to our clients we believe
became a partner in March 1967. A formidable team that it is essential to understand their objectives
from the onset, they combined their passion for law and to deal with their legal affairs in the context of
with their astute business sense, and with the help their overall requirements,” says Jackson. The firm’s
of exceptional partners, a multi-award winning firm aim is therefore not simply to give the best technical
was born. Cox Yeats is known for its boldness and advice, but also to contribute to the development of
over the years has set benchmarks by changing local and international clients’ strategy and policy.
perceptions and giving fresh and innovative In giving advice, Cox Yeats aims to provide practical
counsel. It is proud of its history and brings value and imaginative solutions to clients’ problems, and
to its clients by learning from the past in order to to present what can often be complex topics in a
shape the future. clear and non-technical way.
Integrity and individual care for clients were the core To achieve this goal, Cox Yeats ensure that its
principles on which the firm was founded. Today, clients’ affairs receive the personal attention of
these fundamental ethics remain at the heart of the the attorney responsible for the work in hand,
firm’s commitment to outstanding client service. while offering the client the benefit of being able
Managing Partner, Michael Jackson, says these to tap into the expertise and experience of other
principles, coupled with their young and energetic members of the firm who work in the same or
Cox Yeats attorneys, who pride themselves on their similar fields of expertise. The firm avoids the rigid
individuality, innovation and competitiveness, have departmentalising of its professionals, Cox Yeats
seen the company embracing the fast changing and believes that it is important that each of them should
challenging world with enthusiasm and excellence. build up a wide knowledge and understanding of the
Jackson described Cox Yeats as not only a successful client’s business.
law firm with a collection of high achieving The professionals draw on the experience of
individuals, but an organisation with clear vision and others in their fields and from other groups within
purpose fundamental to the way everyone works. the firm to ensure that the objectives of the client
Cox Yeats has consistently been a top achiever are achieved. In this way they come to know the
in the ‘small law’ firm category in the client’s needs and are able to provide a quick and
Awards. However, in the recent 2018 awards, it comprehensive response in relation to any legal
moved into first place in the ‘medium law firms’ challenges which may arise.
category, receiving the Diamond Arrow Award, “Our professionals are encouraged to follow their
effectively being right up at the top with the large speciality supported by collaboration. We partner
‘corporate’ national and internationally located law
firms in South Africa. with our clients - in other words it’s a business and
personal relationship, not just a case or file number.
Cox Yeats’ signature strategy is to employ That means we can give them of our very best
specialised teams made up of professionals and every day in every aspect of our profession,” said
specialists in their fields who then connect directly Jackson. The absolute dedication by its leadership
with the client. The teams also draw on other teams’ to handpick its people and to support client