Page 103 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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The hotels well maintained and serviced bedrooms   improving and maintaining the current facilities and
       are equipped with king sized beds, TVs, laptop safes,   aiming to concentrate on operating sustainable,
       individually controlled air-conditioning, tea and coffee   profitable and  well-developed hotels in KwaZulu-
       making facilities and amenities that will ensure you   Natal. In addition to this, the SNG group prides itself on
       have a comfortable stay. Wi-fi is also available.  developing and operating a number of commercial and
                                            industrial properties,” says Naidu.
       Conferences and Functions
       Conference and function facilities form an important   Coastlands Hotels and Resorts is a people focused
       part of the three hotels and comprise 29 small,   business based on relationships, which are fluent in
       medium and large conference and event venues. The   integrity, filled with passion and systematically guided
       experienced banqueting teams at each location will   with expertise and driven by excellence. The credibility
       assist you in planning your next conference, function   of Coastlands Hotels and Resorts is based on its
       or wedding.                          proven senior management’s credentials, which bring
                                            innovative and entrepreneurial skills to each hospitality
       Apartments                           product using trusted business relationships.
       Coastlands Hotels and Resorts has also acquired   The dedicated marketing and sales team is focused on
       apartments  in  Umdloti  and  on  KwaZulu-Natal’s  most   implementing the latest marketing trends, resulting
       prestigious Zimbali golf and lifestyle estate.
                                            in new  business and maintaining the  already well-
       At 30 Degrees, Umdloti, a choice of two apartments   established business relationships with existing clients.
       – with spectacular sea views that are walking   The operations team drives the retention of clients and
       distance to the beach – are available. These modern,   guests that are introduced to our hotels.
       executive apartments offer you three bedrooms and   All areas of the business operations are fully fitted
       two bathrooms with spacious living areas, fully fitted   with modern technical equipment to produce efficient
       kitchens and luxury amenities and linen.  results and all departments are fully computerised.
       At Zimbali Coastal Resort you can choose from one of   Each member of the staff complement is equally
       five beautifully decorated and furnished luxury villas.   trained to execute their duties by using these facilities
       These four-bedroom houses offer en-suite bathrooms,   to give efficient service and prompt responses to the
       spacious living areas and fully fitted kitchens. They   service demands of guests at any given time.
       are offered on short term or at a discounted rate for   The group continually participates in general training
       longer periods.                      programmes to develop and improve its skilled staff
       Strategic Direction                  and the recruitment process ensures that staff that are
                                            passionate about  their careers  within the hospitality
       Coastlands Hotels and Resorts head office provides
       support to the hotels within the group in terms   industry are employed.
       of overall strategic direction in operations, sales,   It is evident that Coastlands Hotels and Resorts is one
       marketing, human resources, training and financial   of KwaZulu-Natal’s leading privately black owned hotel
       management. “With no immediate plans for new and   groups and look forward to welcoming you to any of
       major investments, the group’s focus is on continually   their hotels.

       Full Name of Company: Coastlands Hotels and Resorts  KEY PERSONNEL
       Services / Products: Hotel Accommodation,   CEO: Saantha Naidu
       Restaurants, Conference and Event Venues  Managing Director: Roshini Naidu, Julie Naidoo,
       Date Established: 1993               Chris Naidoo
       Subsidiaries: Coastlands Umhlanga Hotel, Coastlands   Financial Director: Julie Naidoo
                                            Group Marketing and Sales Manager: Andre-B van Wyk
       Musgrave Hotel, Coastlands Durban Self-catering   Group Operations Manager: Vadi Govender
       Apartments, The Royal Hotel
       Customer Base: Leisure, Corporate, Government  CONTACT DETAILS
       No. of Employees: 350                Head Office
                                            Physical Address: 3rd Floor, Mercury House, 320 Anton
       Bankers: First National Bank         Lembede Street, Durban
       Industry Quality Standards: ISO 9001 TGCSA 4 Star   Tel: +27 (0)31 271 8271
       and 3 Star Accredited                E-mail:
       B-BBEE Status: Level 4               Website:

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