Page 99 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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Dedicated Contracts                  smart-meters, solar power panels, LED lighting and
       An exclusive supply chain solution, specialising in   water harvesting. In transportation, the focus is on
       specific client and fleet requirements.   vehicle fuel consumption which is, on average, 15% lower
                                            than industry benchmarks, indicating proportional
       The  City  Industrial  Property  Fund  (CIPF)  takes care   reduction in carbon emissions. Across the business,
       of the City Logistics group’s property requirements,
       replacing rentals and developing purpose built quality   paper reduction targets are set annually and measured
       facilities for new requirements. CIPF also offers cost-  monthly, and waste recycling is monitored at all depots
       effective industrial property solutions for clients,   with the use of recycling bins.
       including warehousing and distribution facilities and   The company also has an active and ongoing
       specialised workshop facilities.     Corporate Social Responsibility programme, focusing
       City Logistics has established an ongoing greening   on disadvantaged communities, schools, hospices and
       programme. In their depots and warehouses, this   orphanages,  successful  conservation  initiatives  and
       focuses on saving energy via the implementation  of   cultural activities.

       Full Name of Company: City Logistics   Bankers: FNB (primary) – multi-banked with asset finance
       Services / Products: Logistics services  Advertising / PRO Agency: Internal
       Date Established: 1988               KEY PERSONNEL
       Customer Base: Retail and FMCG       CEO: Ryan Gaines
         ƒ Mr Price                         Chairman (Founder): Richard Fisher
         ƒ Pepkor                           Executive Director: Julia Peirson
         ƒ Massmart                         Executive Director: Rajesh Dayanund
         ƒ FutureLife                       Transport Director: Anthony Naicker
         ƒ ABInBev                          Finance Director: Frank du Toit
         ƒ Ford Motor Company               Ops Directors: Brian Venter & Riaan Snyman
         ƒ Build-It                         Sales Director: Quintus van der Berg
         ƒ Pick ‘n Pay
         ƒ Proctor & Gamble                 CONTACT DETAILS
         ƒ Otto Bros                        Physical Address: 350 Umhlangane Avenue, Riverhorse
         ƒ Retailability                    Valley, Durban
         ƒ Hilti                            Postal Address: P.O. Box 201006, Durban North, 4000
       No. of Employees: +/- 3500           Tel: +27 (0)31  580 2000
                                            Fax: +27 (0)31 569 6254
       B-BBEE Status: Level 4               E-mail:
       Auditors / Accountants: RSM Durban   Website:
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