Page 97 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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grow the economy, and most importantly help to create Improve industry best practice
sustainable employment. Achieve better business compliance status
Grant access to broader and greater market
BusinessFit’s contribution, as such, is to bring emerging
businesses into a circle of expertise, assess their opportunities and,
current systems, structures, and goals, and set in most importantly to create new jobs in the economy
motion necessary leadership and best practice support Service Methodology
procedures to encourage the businesses’ development
and growth. BusinessFit promotes and encourages sustainability
through a structured plan. The structured plan focuses
Based on the experience, the BusinessFit’s team has on helping to improve a beneficiary’s current situation
gained within a diversity of business services, they through the three-step process of discover, develop,
are confident in their ability to help small and medium and deliver!
size business owners quickly and efficiently meet
compliance responsibilities, and to introduce best BusinessFit understands that entrepreneurs often
practice in their businesses. BusinessFit’s mission is juggle a few balls in the air. It is with this in mind that the
to help entrepreneurs and developing businesses, accomplished BusinessFit network exists. No matter
gain confidence and clarity, and to plot a sustainable what obstacles a business may face, BusinessFit’s
growth curve for their companies. network of industry experts will work with the
entrepreneur to ease the burden and accomplish
Our goals for these enterprises are to: sustainable results. This solution not only closes any
Increase the business’s turnover gaps within a business, but also leads to continuous
Increase profitability of the business operation development and learning for the entrepreneur.
Full Name of Association: BusinessFit KEY PERSONNEL
Nature of Business: Practical support for established CEO: Akhona Mahlati
entrepreneurs Chairman: David White
Date Established: 2012 Director: Bruce Lennon
No. of Staff: 80 Administration Manager: Lindiwe Bhadi
VISION Physical Address: Suite 3, 2A Jan Smuts Ave,
By sharing our entrepreneurial expertise we will Winston Park, 3610
build the economy through the growth of the Tel: +27 (0)31 767 0625
entrepreneurial sector Fax: +27 (0)31 767 3280
MISSION Website:
To assist established entrepreneurs to grow their
enterprises to the next level