Page 93 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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The Blue Zone model comprises tailored offerings structure, the Blue Security Special Projects team take
around the geographical footprint of the area, type pride in partnering with communities and providing
of crime affecting the area and the community proven solutions. As such, Blue Security is awarded by its
requirements for the area. Services range from the clients through acknowledgments from the community
provision of dedicated armed response vehicles commending the company on the outstanding service
servicing a pre-determined footprint, CCTV, license provided. These acknow-ledgments are communicated
plate recognition technology and remote CCTV via emails to the company, positive word of mouth
surveillance, or a combination thereof. amongst social circles plus further including social
media posts and local engagement.
Many communities have mobilised against crime, and
in partnership with Blue Security have significantly Blue Security also shows an invested interest in
reduced preventable crime in the areas they reside. communities by supporting non-profit organisations
High visibility community policing conveys a strong and community-based organisations through the Blue
message of the area being managed and the risk of Angels Charitable Trust. The Trust identifies worthy
apprehension being that much higher. organisations – like rape and trauma centres that assist
victims of crime.
Blue Security’s utilisation of technology has further
enhanced the offerings, with its Eye in the Sky cameras Future
providing surveillance and the automatic number plate The future plans for Blue Security are focused on
recognition cameras providing real time reporting staying current with the times by increasing the
of suspicious and “case number” reported vehicles efficiency of home and business security through
entering or exiting the project area. the use of technology as well as home and business
Backed by an extensive and experienced support security automation.
Full Name of Company: Blue Light Monitoring and Managing Director: Henk van Bemmelen
Armed Response Operations Director: Brian Jackson
Category: Business Services Marketing Director: Darren Lategan
Services: Alarm monitoring, armed response, security Financial Director: Warren Kidgell
products installation and repairs Technical Director: Clive Samuels
Date Established: 1989 Sales Director: Paul Romeril
Customer Base: 50 000 approx Human Resources: Yvonne Mudly
No. of Employees: 600 approx CONTACT DETAILS
Auditors / Accountants: Mazars Physical Address: 48 Kings Road, Pinetown, 3610
Bankers: FNB Tel: +27 (0)31 717 5000
Advertising / PRO Agency: In house marketing team, Fax: +27 (0)31 717 5135
retainer journalist, and Digitlab (digital marketing) E-mail:
CEO: Peter Anderson