Page 90 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 90


                                                          Sales and Marketing
                                                          Director: Edward Colle
                                            the R17 million photovoltaic solar power plant that
                                            provides  about  5%  of  the  company’s  annual  energy
       The Belgotex value ‘We Tread Softly’ reflects our   requirement. A phase 2 solar power plant of the same
       commitment to sustainability.        capacity  will be rolled out in 2018.
       Belgotex has been a leader in the local flooring industry   The rainwater harvesting initiative considerably
       for 35 years, and has a healthy export market for high-  reduced water consumption by using rainwater
       end residential, corporate and commercial flooring.  from the factory’s roofs in non-critical applications.
       A member of the multi-national Belgotex International   The company’s move to 100% solution dyed yarn
       Group  that  spans  five  continents,  Belgotex  designs,   production has also resulted in significant water,
       manufactures and delivers a wide range of carpeting,   chemical and energy savings. This has saved a precious
       vinyl, artificial grass, underlays and rubber flooring   resource, distanced Belgotex from old technology and
       to private homes and the corporate, commercial,   offers clients a far superior ‘stain proof’ yarn system.
       healthcare, retail,  educational, hospitality, sporting   In alignment with the three Rs of waste management
       and landscaping sectors.
                                            –  reduce,  reuse and  recycle –  Belgotex  seeks  to
       The  company’s  continuous  investment  in  technology   reduce inputs, reuse materials and recycle waste from
       has laid the foundation for manufacturing excellence,   the company’s operations, effectively reducing the
       and adapting to market trends has ensured that   amount of waste sent to landfill.
       Belgotex remains competitive, locally and internationally.
       Belgotex takes great pride in their innovative approach   The  ongoing  ‘Green  Journey’  aligns  with  Belgotex’s
       to business, and in an age where the product is no   value We Tread Softly, which speaks to the company’s
       longer a differentiator, they focus their investments   commitment to operational sustainability practices.
       and energy on their people, their brand and their
       distribution channel.                Best Practice
                                            The company adheres to international best-practice
       The Green Journey                    principles  and frameworks such  as the ISO Quality
       Twenty-seven years ago, the company embarked on   and Environmental ISO 9001 (Quality management
       their ‘Green Journey’. Operating from their 100 000m2   system), ISO 14001 (Environmental management
       green factory, Belgotex is committed to sustainability   system), ISO 14064/7 (Greenhouse gas emissions
       on all levels. ‘We Tread Softly’ is one of their core   reporting),  ISO  14040/4/6  (Life cycle  assessment),
       values, and this is very evident in what they do.  ISO 14024/5 (Environmental labelling), GRI-GR4
       Raw materials for several products are derived   Guidelines, 12 Principles, and the GreenTag and
       from post-industrial and post-consumer waste,   GreenStar 6 Star certifications.
       and the needlepunch ranges are made with a blend
       of polypropylene and recycled eco-fibre.  This   Belgotex Foundation
       considerably lowers the embodied energy associated   The  company has a history  of establishing,
       with virgin raw material use.        supporting and implementing programmes that
                                            uplift communities and organisations.  The Belgotex
       A  Carbon  Footprint  analysis was done in 2010 and,
       Belgotex developed their blueprint for carbon emission   Foundation, established in 2015, was initially dedicated
       reductions, using integrated carbon management   to early childhood development. The Foundation
       systems  to reduce their carbon footprint significantly.  successfully transformed numerous projects with
                                            their wide range of products, but has concluded that
       Numerous energy optimisation initiatives have   the role of the Foundation was far greater than ECD
       provided more sustainable energy sources, including   revamps and upgrades.
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