Page 86 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 86


                                                          CEO: Damian Bradley

       DYNAMIC, CONSTANT CHANGE AND         Professional Approach
       RAPID GROWTH                         The sporting events market is dynamic and constant
                                            change and rapid growth offers great opportunities.
       “Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.” –   But it also demands ongoing innovation and
       Vince Lombardi.                      product redesign to stay ahead.  B-Active believes
       B-Active Sports is the name behind many popular   their success is based on the right mix of tradition
       sporting events across South Africa and this sports   and new ideas.
       management company is a formidable player in the   As Damian Bradley points out, “Because our work
       sports industry in South Africa.     is fused with our passion, we can’t help but really
       From relatively modest beginnings, the company   enjoy what we do. This passion for our industry
       has  grown  dramatically.  Founded  in  2004  by   shows in our attention to detail in planning for each
       Damian Bradley, the first B-Active Sports event was   and every event. Being an athlete, I know what
       the 2005 Belgotex Cycle Race in Pietermaritzburg.    competitors look for in an event and what they need
       Fast forward to 2018, and B-Active Sports now   pre, during and post events. This insight assists us
       owns and manages several national public sporting   with our event planning and decisions, to give our
       events, including the Ultra Tri Series, the Freedom   competitors what they need and when they need it”.
       MTB RACE, Pondo Pedal MTB Stage Race, and the   For B-Active Sport, a professional approach to
       Tinman Series.  B-Active works with major corporate   sports management is essential to their success.
       sponsors and local municipal departments to stage   This drives all facets of the business, from delivering
       these events.                        seamless, well-managed events, to valuable brand
                                            exposure for sponsors, and even legal compliance,
       The company has been actively involved in almost   as all sporting events must comply with the new
       every major public sporting event in South Africa,   Sports Safety Act.
       with an enviable list of premier sporting events
       across a wide range of sporting codes, where they   The  development  of  new  events  and growth  of
       manage sponsorship contracts and logistics for   existing events are key objectives for the business,
       specific areas of the events.  These include:  and demand effective marketing.  Growth, however,
                                            adds complexity, and first rate logistical planning
         ƒ Ironman 70.3                     and  execution  are  therefore  essential  to  the
         ƒ 94.7 Cycle Challenge             company’s success. Participant experience is critical
         ƒ Pick ‘n Pay Cape Town Cycle Tour  to the sustainability of each event – and the growth
         ƒ 5fm Energade Tri-Series          of B-Active Sports – and a well-run event is not
         ƒ East Coast Radio/Discovery Big Walk  negotiable.  This a core competence for B-Active
         ƒ Amashova Cycle Race              Sports, with significant experience across various
         ƒ Comrades Marathon                sporting codes.
       B-Active is particularly proud to manage the highly
       prestigious Comrades Marathon Finish area, a   Delivering Branding Opportunities
       contract they have maintained for 16 years and which   B-Active Sports also supports clients with strategic
       receives more than 10 hours of live TV coverage each   planning for branding opportunities and promotional
       race day.                            requirements. The company has grown to including

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