Page 81 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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We will always work in co-operation with all those who Track Record and Current Status
believe they are in competition with us. We are in the ActionCOACH made the decision to franchise in 1997
business of ‘Edutainment’. We will educate ourselves, after concluding the best way to service the needs
our clients and all those whom we work with, while we of clients globally was to have local coaches spread
entertain them and create a fun learning environment. across the world. As well as being close to their
We will educate our clients in world-class marketing
and business development techniques using audio, clients, the coaches would be better able to relate to
video, CDs, other technologies and simple workbooks, them as fellow business owners.
workshops and seminar formats. ActionCOACH is now represented in 76 countries
around the globe, with around 1000 Franchise
Our products and services will be of the highest
quality, value for money and whether sourced from Offices and has been rated as the World’s #1 Business
within the company or externally will always add Coaching Firm in the world for the past 8 years.
the most value and use the latest and most effective Team – ActionCOACH Durban
training methodologies available.
Trevor Clark, 100% owner of Business Mastery (Pty)
ActionCOACH clients whether they be small, medium Ltd., became an ActionCOACH franchisee in 2009
or large in size will have a desire to have us help them and has been successfully coaching business owners
in achieving their goals and be able to take on Our across KwaZulu-Natal from that time till present.
Commitment to them by returning their Commitment
to Action. They will be forward thinking, willing to learn Andre de Wit joined Business Mastery (Pty) Ltd, in
and grow, and be willing to work as a team player in the 2015. He is a Certified Business Adviser accredited
development of an organisation of ‘people’. with the Institute of Business Advisers and also a
Certified Business Coach with ActionCOACH.
Our clients will be selected more on attitude than
size and they will want to deal with us because we Natasha Swartz serves the company, and its clients,
understand people are important, systems should run in the capacity of Business Development Manager.
a company, we offer the most practical, most applicable Natasha is instrumental in running the firm’s myriad
and fastest strategies of growth and most importantly events and educational activities, supporting our
because we mean what we say. We will give people back community of clients and driving publicity of the
their spirit and freedom through business development. brand.
f L- R: Nomfundo Shezi, Andre de Wit, Natasha Swartz, Trevor Clark
Full Name of Company: Business Mastery (Pty) Ltd KEY PERSONNEL
(ActionCOACH Durban) Senior Franchise Partner: Trevor Clark
Nature of Business: Improving performance and Financial Manager: Andre de Wit
profitability for business owners and executives. Business Development Manager: Natasha Swartz
Services / Products: Business coaching. Administration: Nomfundo Shezi
Date Established: ActionCOACH was established
globally in 1997. CONTACT DETAILS
This franchise office, Durban, was opened in 2009. Head Office
Customer Base: Diverse. Physical Address: 28 Essex Terrace, Westville, 3610.
No. of Employees: 4 Tel: +27 (0)31 266 2258
Auditors / Accountants: Nexia Levitt Kirson, Westville. E-mail:
Bankers: FNB Website:
B-BBEE Status: Level 4