Page 82 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 82
GM: Terence Delomoney
A MAJOR ECONOMIC CATALYST week), Qatar Airways (4 times a week), Proflight
Zambia (4 times a week), SA Express, SA Airlink
Airports Company South Africa Limited (ACSA) has and Air Namibia (2 times a week to Gaborone and
a network of nine airports throughout South Africa, Windhoek) and Air Mauritius (which has grown to 3
handling over 98% of the country’s commercial air frequencies a week).
traffic. South Africa’s airports, under the ACSA ambit,
have been transformed into multi-faceted, global Another great accolade for the region was the recent
gateways for travel, trade and commerce. Retail announcement of British Airways that will, from 29th
enhances the traveller experience and is one of the October 2018, be flying direct from London to Durban
three principal sources of revenue. Advertising is with B787 900 aircraft three times a week. Now you
another important revenue stream, as is property are able to have breakfast in Durban and dinner in
development opportunities which promise excellent London all in the same day! This was because of the
long-term returns. Client and Passengers Services collective effort of the KZN Route Development
also seeks to enhance and improve the passenger Committee (involving the city, province, ACSA, Dube
experience through all ACSA run airports. ACSA also Trade Port, Tourism KZN, Trade & Investment KZN)
owns a 10% stake in Mumbai International Airport, and other stakeholders.
together with its South African consortium partners,
and is part of the team that manages the Guarulhos On the domestic front Mango airline, SAA, SA Express,
International Airport in São Paulo, Brazil. In the past SA Airlink, Kulula, BA Operated by Comair and Fly
year Airports Company South Africa has facilitated Safair are the operators to all major destinations in
almost 40 million passengers through its nine airports. South Africa.
The airport is viewed as a major economic catalyst for
King Shaka International Airport investment and growth in the region. Now about 5.6
Regarded as one of the best airports in the world, million passengers were processed through the airport
passenger numbers and flights have been on the in 2017/2018 financial year. The number of international
increase since King Shaka International Airport arrivals has increased from 96 000 a year, to 370 000.
(KSIA) opened eight years ago. Now in its 8th year of Since 2010, passenger seat capacity has increased
operation KSIA has garnered many accolades over this from 6 million to 7.5 million. The compounded average
short period. The accolades include being named the growth rate over the past three years is 7% for seat
best regional airport in Africa for the past four years, capacity, and 8% for passenger numbers.
the fourth best airport in the world in the 5 to 10 million
passengers category (all by Skytrax) and being named Socio Economic Development (SED) is a vital
the third best in Africa in the 5 to 10 million passengers response to the socio-economic imperatives of the
category by the Airports Council International. The country, and ACSA’s social investment projects
award that the airport is very proud of is the Skytrax include mobility, health and welfare, job creation,
for the Best Airport Staff in Africa 2017. KSIA was community development, youth development,
also voted internationally as the 10th Most Punctual women empowerment, people with disabilities,
Airport in the world in its category by OAG Aviation environment and education; with focus on projects
Worldwide in 2017. that boost infrastructure and education based on
promoting tourism and jobs in South Africa. To this
In 2010 Emirates Airlines (with a daily frequency) and end KSIA has proudly invested almost R25 million in
Air Mauritius (with a bi-weekly frequency) were the the past eight years on SED and we will continue to
only international operators out of KSIA. Since then, uplift communities. ACSA is currently on a journey to
this has grown to include Turkish Airlines (4 times a promote and ensure transformation in various areas