Page 83 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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of the business and recently ACSA publicly presented   sustainable airport management solutions. The pillars
       over 300 retail opportunities that are available at all its   that will ensure ACSA’s sustainability is made clear; run
       airports with about 22 available at KSIA.   airports, develop airports and grow their footprint.
       ACSA Focus                           The ACSA strategy is underpinned by that decisions
       ACSA  has  implemented  its  Governance  Framework   and actions taken will be based on the impact on
       and Operating Model (GFOM) to refocus its business   people and society; it is environmentally sustainable
       for Vision 2015. The  goal is to become the most   and that its business is focused on contributing to the
       sought-after partner in the world for the provision of   economic growth of the country.

       Full Name of Business: Airports Company South Africa  General Manager: Terence Delomoney
       Limited (ACSA)                       Assistant GM Airport Services: Nkosinathi Myataza
       Nature of Business: Airport Management and Airport   Assistant GM Client and Passenger Services:
       Infrastructure Development           Azwifaneli “Fani” Mphaphuli
       Date Established: 1993               Senior Manager Corporate Affairs: Colin Naidoo
                                            Acting Senior Manager Finance: Desrei Reddy
       No. of Employees: 3000
       Subsidiaries: OR Tambo International, Cape Town   CONTACT DETAILS
       International, King Shaka International, Bram Fischer   Airports Company South Africa Head Office
       International, George, East London, Kimberley,   Physical Address: 24 Johnson Road, The Maples Office
       Port Elizabeth International, Upington International   Park, Bedfordview, Johannesburg
       Footprint: Management contract in Guarulhos   Postal Address: P.O. Box 75480, Gardenview, 2047
       International Airport in São Paulo, Brazil and   Tel: +27 (0)11 723 1400
       Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai,   Fax: +27 (0)11 453 9353
       India, MOU in Ghana and Munich       Website: /
       B-BBEE Status: Level 3               King Shaka International Airport
                                            Postal Address: P.O. Box 57701, King Shaka
       KEY PERSONNEL                        International Airport, 4407
       CEO: Bongani Maseko                  Tel: +27 (0)32 436 6000
       COO: Fundi Sithebe

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