Page 91 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 91

Edward Colle, Belgotex’s Sales and Marketing Director   occupies it, we will have a very dysfunctional set of
       and co-founder of the Belgotex Foundation said,   circumstances  which  will  put  immense  pressure  on
       “Belgotex believes wholeheartedly in a ‘hand-up’   business, as the environment will not be conducive to
       rather than a ‘hand-out’ approach, and we are proud to   any form of growth. The sooner we address and deal
       be associated with initiatives that support the efforts
       of communities and individuals to improve their socio-  with these issues the better it will be in the long run.”
       economic circumstances.”
                                            The Belgotex Academy was launched in 1999 and
       “If we look around, we cannot be proud of the current   provides flooring installation training, technical sales
       situation in society. It may be more evident in this   training and estimating training across the various
       beautiful country we live in, but the same social decay   product categories offered by Belgotex.
       and lack of inclusive growth is evident globally.
       This is not part of our purpose, and if we don’t   In addition, the company offers youth and employee
       address the situation, we will leave our children a very   development through internship and learnership
       challenging set of cards. On a fundamental level, if   programmes,  various  training  and  awareness
       we cannot look after our planet and the society that   programmes and employee wellness campaigns.

       Full Name of Company: Belgotex       CORE PURPOSE
       Nature of Business: Manufacturing    We bring a platform for authenticity to every walk of life
       Services / Products: Flooring – carpets, vinyl, artificial   through creativity, communication and collaboration.
       grass, artificial sports surfaces, underlay  VISION
       Date Established: 1983               To be a recognised, world-class, African brand showcase
       Subsidiaries: Greenfields, Likewise, Voke, YUDU  through our deep connection with our people, product
       Customer Base: Suppliers/ Retailers   and the planet.
       No. of Employees: 700+               KEY PERSONNEL
       Auditors / Accountants: Deloitte     Sales and Marketing Director: Edward Colle
       Bankers: Standard Bank               Financial Director: Steve Truter
       Creative Agency: Parson’s Branding (our advertising is   Operations Director: Frank Moffat
       done in-house)                       Human Resources Director: Jade Peter
       Industry Quality Standards: ISO 9001  CONTACT DETAILS
       ISO 9001; ISO 14000 series of standards: ISO 14025,   HEAD OFFICE
       ISO 14040/4/6, ISO 14064/7; ISO 18001, GreenTag   Physical Address: 20 Chesterfield Road
       Certification, GreenStar 6 Star Rating   Postal Address: PO Box 3228, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
       B-BBEE Status: Level 7               Tel: +27 (0)33 897 7500
       MISSION                              Website:
       Belgotex design, manufacture and deliver quality   Branches: Johannesburg, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth,
       floors that endure the speed of life.    Free State, Umhlanga
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