Page 98 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 98


                                                          CEO: Ryan Gaines

       A VITAL SERVICE OFFERING             CEO, Ryan Gaines.  “We reinforce this on a daily basis,
                                            using team huddles to deliver a constant, consistent
       This year, City Logistics celebrates 30 years in business,   message on the importance of integrity in our strategy
       and this anniversary is an opportunity to highlight   and our daily operations.”
       many of their achievements.  While transport remains a
       vital service offering, the company continuously looks   The company culture is clearly working, as there’s a
       to add value to their stakeholders and has expanded   high employee retention rate. “We offer an inclusive,
       their market offering beyond the services traditionally   staff-friendly working environment,” says Gaines, “and
       offered by  logistics companies.  Innovation,  geared   we promote an entrepreneurial spirit and “can-do”
       to meet industry demands and customer needs,   attitude throughout the business.” There’s a strong
       has played a significant role in the success of City   focus  on  health,  with  in-house  medical  checks  and
       Logistics, and the company has recently included a   mobile clinics  that  have proved very  effective with
       home delivery solution that capitalises on the shift   HIV treatment and education, as well as screening for
       to e-commerce retailing, with a part acquisition of   diabetes and breast cancer.  There is an in-house gym
       Fastway Couriers.                    for staff.
       City Logistics employs approximately 3500 staff in 14   The staff-friendly approach also includes on-going
       branches across South Africa, operating 24 hours a   training and staff bursary programmes, allowing staff
       day, 7 days a week. In short, they are geared to provide   to grow in their careers.
       the most suitable and most cost-effective service to
       their clients.                       City Logistics services include:
       The company has an enviable list of blue chip clients
       in retail, manufacturing and industrial markets. Clients   A comprehensive distribution network has been
       include, among others, Mr Price, Hilti, MassMart, Proctor   established servicing all areas nationwide and
       &  Gamble,  Pick  ‘n Pay  and  the  Ford  Motor  Company.   cross border to Botswana, Namibia and Swaziland.
       However, they are quick to point out that they value   Their daily operations include deliveries to all major
       many longstanding partnerships that they service, all   shopping centres and malls throughout the country as
       their clients are important, and that relationships with   well as overnight road freight services.
       their clients extend to executive level.
       Their service levels and client satisfaction is evident in   The Linehaul division with a fleet of over 350 vehicles
       their long-term client retention, but also in several key   is a continuous 24 hour operation, providing an inter-
       awards.  Recent awards include:
                                            depot service for the purpose of distribution as well
         ƒ Ford Motor Company Supplier of the Year   as a point to point service. All the drivers are carefully
         ƒ Institute of Quality EID Recognition Award  selected and trained to ensure the safety of your cargo
         ƒ SAAF Code of Ethics Award        on route. City Logistics also selects the type of vehicle
         ƒ ABSA Fleet Card Gold Partner Award  best suited for the safe delivery of the cargo.
         ƒ Mr Price Group Supplier of the Year Award
         ƒ Hilti Supplier of the Year       Warehousing
       There is a strong culture of sharing successes as   City Logistics has warehousing  space  available  for
       a  team,  and  a  concerted  drive  to  promote  the  key   all merchandise storage at competitive rates. All
       business values of integrity and respect. “We’re   the warehousing has the highest level of security,
       privileged to serve our customers, and we take great   thus offering clients peace of mind knowing their
       pride in our reputation as an ethical business,” says   merchandise is safe and secure.

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