Page 119 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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Specialist contract employment is a rather technical on employee morale and management reputation. The
domain featuring diverse structuring and contractual South African Revenue Service and other statutory
arrangements. bodies make substantial demands upon employers
and compliance requirements are onerous.
We can help through advising on or drafting
employment contracts, identifying a local employer A generally held view is that the payroll function should
of record in compliance with statutory requirements not be located within the Human Resource function
in African countries, assisting in the acquisition of as it is actually a creditor’s function requiring specific
work permits, payroll processing, benefits, taxation, competencies. It also brings with it additional aspects
statutory registrations / payments and a ‘help-desk’ such as confidentiality, and risk of conflict with SARS.
contact point for both the contractor as well as our Payroll specialists have unique skills and are prized
clients. This service enables all concerned to focus in the market as such; which makes the outsourced
upon on-time and in-full project execution. option attractive.
Payroll Management DRG Outsourcing is positioned as a full-service,
total solutions HR service provider by way of our
Payroll management and administration, despite own seasoned team members as well as trusted
sophisticated software packages, remains a complex independent partner service providers.
business transaction process, far more so than
most believe. It involves statutory compliance and We remain on call to learn of your HR concerns and, to
integration into an enterprise’s accounting system. help you scope your preferred solution and, to provide
Errors have multiple ramifications, including impact this solution.
} DRG Outsourcing Team :
L- R: Rumba Munsamy, Iviwe Mtebele, Christy Chetty, Charles Henzi, David White, Lindiwe Bhadi, Mahendra Singh, Nikita Pillay
Full Name of Company: DRG Outsourcing Director & Employee Investment Service Line Leader:
Nature of Business: DRG Outsourcing is a Total Charles Henzi
Solutions Company, providing professional and reliable HR Manager: Nikita Pillay
human resource management solutions Financial Manager: Mahendra Singh
Date Established: 1996 Administration Manager: Lindiwe Bhadi
B-BBEE Status: Level 4 Contributor Payroll Manager: Christy Chetty
Payroll Administrator: Rumba Munsamy
CLIENT PROFILE HR Administrator: Iviwe Mtebele
DRG Outsourcing’s customer base ranges from small CONTACT DETAILS
enterprises with no HR capacity through medium Physical Address: Suite 3, 2A Jan Smuts Ave,
enterprises with limited HR capacity, to large corporate Winston Park, KwaZulu-Natal
entities with significant HR capacity but where HR
practitioners prefer to remain focused upon strategic Postal Address: PO Box 817, Gillitts, 3603
matters, leaving the more mundane or specialised Tel: +27 (0)31 767 0625
interventions to us. Fax: +27 (0)31 767 3280
Chief Executive Officer: David White