Page 167 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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reputation for providing an efficient risk based audit risk assessment, fraud prevention training, forensic
service. The audit approach emphasises adding value investigations and internal auditing.
to our clients by enhancing quality and productivity. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is an emerging
This type of assurance assists the organisation in discipline adopted by organisations to integrate their
effectively complying with good corporate governance management of a range of risks by explicitly addressing
principles and practices. It also enhances the control risk management at strategic, tactical and operational
environment so as to minimise risk exposure, quanti- levels. The key for risk management is to proactively
fying the impact of risk to stakeholder value, while benchmark a business’s risks with international risks.
highlighting areas that are over controlled.
Taxation Services Morar Incorporated has an electronic risk management
tool which assists with risk assessment workshops that
Morar Incorporated’s taxation services are tailored are conducted for clients. The software is utilised to
around the unique circumstances of each individual document risks identified by management in detail.
and company. Their tax professionals use a forward This tool is pre-configured with a number of reports
thinking and multi-disciplinary approach to add value that allow clients to immediately gain the benefit of
and help organisations manage tax complexities in transparency and visibility as well as the ability to do
their ever changing business environments. Morar Risk Committee and Board reporting.
Incorporated offer clients a broad range of fully Information and Communication Technology
integrated tax solutions.
Public Sector Consulting Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
form an inherent component in enhancing and trans-
Morar Incorporated has over twenty years’ experience forming business. Morar Incorporated has a specialist
in providing the following services to the Public Sector: ICT team providing ICT Assurance and ICT Consultancy
asset management; supply chain management; services to a growing client base and who focus on
financial investigations and secondments; training; providing real world solutions for clients in today’s
financial management; project management which technologically driven market.
includes training; AFS compilation; audit readiness; Forensic Investigations
head counts; development of policies, procedures and Morar Incorporated’s specialist forensic team focuses
business processes; budgeting and local government
consulting. on preventing, investigating and remediating issues
that could potentially damage a company’s brand
Internal Audit Services and financial bottom line. Coupled with cutting
Morar Incorporated has a multi-disciplinary team of edge detection tools and approaches, the forensic
professionals experienced in financial and operational specialists will review all potential components of your
internal auditing; information and communication organisation in order to implement an effective policy
technology; fraud analytics and risk assessment; that will reduce internal risk to crime.
shared services; finance management; treasury and Fraud, corruption and other economic crime, parti-
financial instruments; and supply chain management cularly when it concerns senior management, requires
to augment and enhance an organisation’s existing a thorough, professional and independent approach.
internal audit capabilities and / or to serve as an Clients and affected parties will be assured of an
organisation’s internal audit function. effective response that is supported by a combination
Risk Management of forensic accounting evidence and specialist
investigative skills in order to make well informed
Morar Incorporated has a unique methodology for decisions.
Full Name of Company: Morar Incorporated Bikram CA (SA); Bakang Temba CA (SA); Collin Machiri
Nature of Business: Chartered Accountants and CA (SA); Jennifer Reddy CA (SA); Kameshinee Naidoo
Registered Auditors CA (SA); Lynn Potgieter CA (SA); Mahendra Naicker
Date Established: January 1995 CA (SA); Nadia Cupido CA (SA); Sameela Mahadea CA
(SA); Schalk Oosthuizen CA (SA); Vishall Samarjith CA
VISION (SA); Zinhle Zikalala CA (SA)
To be recognised by our clients and competitors as
the benchmark in service delivery within our CONTACT DETAILS
industry and chosen markets; Head Office
Where our people are known for their Physical Address: 161 Pietermatiz Street, Nedbank
innovativeness and problem solving abilities; House, Ground Floor, Pietermaritzburg, 3201
To adapt and change continually with our Tel: +27 (0)33 345 4004
business leader partners. Fax: +27 (0)33 342 5699
Managing Director : Roshan Morar CA (SA) CFE; Anesh