Page 168 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 168


                                                           Sam Camilleri

       INNOVATION AND FINANCIAL LITERACY    by superior service.  The Natal Joint Municipal Pension/
                                            Provident Fund (NJMPF/Fund) is recognised globally
       The NJMPF drives inclusive, transparent, and sustainable   for excellence in governance, investments, treating
       practices through innovation and financial literacy.   customers fairly, financial literacy programmes and
       Law makers globally and international regulatory   best practices in retirement funding services.
       institutions exert a certain amount of stringent   The  NJMPF is  a not for profit  organisation,  which
       authority  over  financial  institutions,  particularly   provides retirement funding benefits for municipal
       retirement funds because of the funds they hold.   employees in KwaZulu-Natal. These employees are
       Whether these laws reduce or add value for   employed  at  55  municipalities  in  the  Province.  The
       stakeholders, the general perception is that as laws   NJMPF’s vision is to provide superior retirement
       change and become more stringent, costs also   services and benefits to the 20 000 active members
       escalate, and room for innovation and creativity is in   and 10 000 pensioners and beneficiaries making up
       some instances reduced. One organisation is leading   its membership.
       the pack and offers a global example of what is meant
                                            Research Findings
                                            There are several surveys published in South Africa and
                                            worldwide on the state of the population’s attitudes
                                            and readiness for retirement. The results have tended
                                            to be consistent. For example, a survey conducted
                                            of South African households some time back was
                                            performed on a representative sample of 65-year-
                                            olds. The following facts were uncovered; 47% were
                                            dependent on relatives, 31% were forced to continue
                                            working, 16% were dependent on a state pension, and
                                            6% were financially independent. In recent studies, this
                                            situation has not significantly shifted perhaps due to
                                            inflation rates, taxation and cost of living increasing
                                            – Source: The South African Financial Planning
                                            Handbook 2018.
                                            Coupled with the above challenge is the issue of
                                            low financial literacy levels. According to a study
                                            by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
                                            and Development (OECD), South Africa nears the
                                            bottom of the financial literacy class. The OECD/
                                            INFE International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy
                                            Competencies questioned 50 000 people aged
                                            between 18 and 79 and found that, on average, only
                                            56% of adults across the 30 participating countries
                                            achieved a score of at least five out of seven, the

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