Page 173 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 173
Robin Hood Foundation
Norcott is also the chairperson and founder of the Robin
Hood Foundation, a non-profit organisation that helps
the poorest members of society through a variety of
community projects.
“The Robin Hood Foundation is an NPO that I started
13 years ago, and we focus on more than 130 projects
a year, where our focus is on redistributing scarce
resources directly into the hands of the poor.”
The Robin Hood Foundation runs a wide variety
of projects, including Bless a Granny, Love the
babies, Gogo bags, Hope Breakfasts and fun days at
schools for disabled children as well as hosting free
entrepreneurial conferences.
The Robin Hood Foundation has become well known
for the difference it is making. Pro Appointments is
the head office for the Robin Hood Foundation. The
company acts as the administration centre, runs
the accounts and is a drop off point. Every year, the
Pro Appointments staff attend various community
projects for the Robin Hood Foundation during
work time. In 2008, Norcott was given a Paul Harris award by
Westville Rotary for her work in helping the poor.
“I am proud of the difference we make every single In 2013, she was awarded the CEO Communications
week,” says Norcott. Most Influential Women in Business and Government
Awards award for the services category.
Norcott has won many awards for business excellence In July 2015, she was voted as the Lead SA Sunday
as well as her contribution to the community. She was Tribune Local Hero for KZN”, and also in 2015 was the
awarded the Small Business Marketer of the Year recipient of the Remax Community Service award from
award by The Marketing Federation of South Africa Remax Panache.
in 2003 and in the same year, she was nominated In 2016, she received the Business woman achiever of
as one of the 29 Awesome Women of the Year by the year award from Margaret Hirsch.
Cosmopolitan magazines.
Motivational Speaker
Norcott was also named the Regional Winner of
the BWA Entrepreneur of the Year competition in Norcott is an accomplished motivational speaker and
2003. In 2004, she was awarded the title of Sanlam’s she has a selection of 20 motivational and inspiring talks
Business Owner of the Year for May, in conjunction that she does for conferences, business meetings and
with SABC’s 3 Talk. women’s groups.
Full Name of Company: Pro Appointments and Pro Talent KEY PERSONNEL
Category: Business Services CEO: Cindy Norcott
Financial Manager: Judy Stephens
Services / Products: Recruitment agency Human Resources: Nelita George
Date Established: 23 March 1994 CONTACT DETAILS
Customer Base: >400 medium to large companies in Physical Address: Suite 6 The Viewz, 11 The Boulevard,
the greater Durban area. Westway Park, Westville
Postal Address: P.O. Box 2718, Westway Park, 3635
No. of Employees: 13
Tel: +27 (0)31 265 2000
B-BBEE Status: Level 4 Fax: +27 (0)31 265 2008
Auditors / Accountants: Fouche, Hodkinson and McLahlan E-mail:
Bankers: Nedbank