Page 172 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 172


                                                           Cindy Norcott
                                            “We have long standing relationships with our clients.
                                            Most importantly,  we have been able to change
       Established in 1994, by Cindy Norcott, Pro   thousands of lives for the better by placing people
       Appointments is a multi-award winning recruitment   in temporary, contract and permanent jobs. We have
       agency, focusing on supplying temporary and   also been able to help our clients grow their companies
       contract staff, as well as offering a labour brokerage   by providing them the best possible staff we can find.”
       and payroll administration service to many of Durban’s
       finest companies.                    In January 2018, Pro Appointments launched a new
                                            division, called Pro Talent. In this division, there are
       Norcott says, “I started my company, Pro Appointments,   eight specialist recruiters, who specialise in permanent
       24 years ago from a spare bedroom with no start-up   placements in the fields of IT, finance, insurance,
       capital. Over these past 24 years, it has been a story   engineering and technical. These specialised recruiters
       of rags to riches in that we have grown from strength   focus on their niche and are able to source sought after
       to strength.”                        talent. Pro Talent has a large database of interviewed
       The company’s reputation has been grown based upon   and  screened candidates. The division  has  started
       building solid relationships and an understanding of   attracting a lot more clients in Johannesburg and
       its clients’ needs. Pro Appointments focuses mainly   Cape Town.
       on  the Greater  Durban area  and its  biggest clients   The company is pleased with the difference that it
       are in the fields of retail, call centre, production and   makes to the lives of the people that are encountered.
       manufacturing. Pro Appointments has a large database   “By putting our motto of “having a heart for people”
       of candidates who are available at short notice to   into practice and  on  a  daily  basis,  we offer  advice,
       work in a variety of temporary and contract positions,   support, information and material for job seekers at no
       including reception, switchboard, administration, data   extra cost.”
       capture, call centre, retail, production and stores
                                            Norcott is also proud of her wonderful team of staff
                                            and a large part of the focus in the business is staff
                                            development. “I am proud of the way in which we have
                                            developed our staff over the years through training,
                                            mentoring and coaching.”
                                            Pro Appointments hosts a free training course several
                                            times a year for unemployed job seekers, called Career
                                            Kickstart.  The  company  also  hosts  several  business
                                            seminars per year, which are very affordable, to upskill
                                            its clients.
                                            The company’s plans going forward are to continue
                                            growing its reach and to continue building relationships
                                            with its clients. In order to achieve growth, Pro
                                            Appointments will focus on delivering the right staff to
                                            its clients at a cost-effective service.

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