Page 171 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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ƒ NCT invests 1% of its pre-tax profit in community    Outlook
          projects focusing on:             NCT’s intensive marketing efforts add value to members’
        1.  Literacy and education with attention to
          early childhood development.      resources. NCT continues to sustain a highly respectable
        2. Welfare of orphans and HIV infected children.  brand name internationally and this secures competitive
        3. Special needs equipment for the physically and      prices for the timber products produced by its members.
          mentally-challenged.              This collective strength places the independent grower in
        4. Food security with the establishment of vegetable    a solid position particularly in a world where, tangential
        5. Small business development.      to the co-operative principles, corporate entities strive to
        6. Basic infrastructure at schools and home    drive resource prices down rather than up.
          run crèches.
          ƒ NCT funds a student learnership programme    NCT’s mission is to assist its members to achieve their
          which allows unemployed women an    full forestry potential and optimise the best financial
          opportunity to obtain a tertiary education. In    results on a sustainable basis. With this in mind,
          addition, NCT also sponsors students to study
          towards a national diploma in forestry and invests in    marketing and price setting will continue to be NCT’s
          students at various universities to conduct research    most critical and important role into the future.
          in forestry projects.

       f   Richards Bay Wood Chips

       Full Name of Company: NCT Forestry Co-Operative   VISION
       Limited                              To win and maintain the unreserved confidence
       Nature of Business: Marketing        and support of all its members, customers and
       Services / Products: NCT Forestry is a marketing co-  employees.
       operative for private and independent timber growers
       Date Established: 1949               KEY PERSONNEL
       Subsidiaries:                        General Manager: Patrick Kime
         ƒ BayFibre Central Timber (Pty) Ltd  CONTACT DETAILS
         ƒ NCT Durban Wood Chips (Pty) Ltd   Head Office
         ƒ ShinCel (Pty) Ltd                Physical Address: 346 Burger Street,
       Industry Quality Standards:          Pietermaritzburg, 3201
       ISO 9001: 2015 accreditation         Postal Address: P.O. Box 1445, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
       MISSION                              Tel: +27 (0)33 897 8500
       To assist its members to achieve their full forestry   Fax: +27 (0)33 897 8501
       potential and optimise financial results on a    E-mail:
       sustainable basis.                   Website:
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