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 4 Halloween Cupcake Toppers

 by Stephanie Janice

     Cut  the  bottom  off  the  cone  to    On one side of the cone push gently     Using the pointed end of the stitch
     make it flat.                           in with your thumb and using your       tool make 3 indentations in the side
                                             other hand slightly bend the top over.  to look like creases.

     Set the hat to one side. Take another   Using the large end of a ball tool,     Using a bright coloured piece of sug-
     piece of black sugar paste and roll     half on the mat and half on the sug-    ar paste roll out to a couple of mm
     to approx. 3mm thick. Cut a circle      ar paste, run this around the edge to   thick. Cut a thin strip approx. 5-6mm
     using a 5cm diameter cutter.            thin and frill. Using edible glue, stick   wide ensuring it is long enough to
 Equipment needed:                           the hat to the base.                    go around the base of the cone.
 These 4 tutorials demonstrate how to make   Non stick board
 simple  but  effective  Halloween  toppers  for   Non-stick rolling pin

 cupcakes. In these tutorials, the fondant (sugar   Ball tool
 paste) has had Gum Tragacanth added (1   Scalpel Knife
 teaspoon GT per 250 grams fondant).  Cocktail sticks
 Stitching tool
 Circular cutters
 Edible Glue
 All equipment used in the tutorials is available in the Pretty Witty Cakes Shop  Sable hair brush size 2   Using a similar colour lustre dust   Take a small piece of  yellow sugar   Make this into a square shape to
 Get it from our shop
 CLICK  Dusting brush  add  a little sparkle.  Using a  little   paste and roll into a thin sausage.   form a buckle.
 Bronze lustre dust                          Using some gold lustre add some
 Witches Hat  Gold lustre dust  edible glue, stick the band around   sparkle to this.
     the base of the cone.

                                             Your witches hat is now ready to pop on

                                             top of an iced cupcake.

                                             For orange buttercream use:
                                             Tangerine/Apricot Sugarflair colour –
                                             available here

 Take a small ball of black sugar paste   Making your hands into a “V” shape   Place the cone onto your work board   Slightly push in the sides to give a
 about 3cms in diameter.  roll the ball into a cone shape.  and continue to roll the thinner end   wobbly look. Stick this to the band   Get it from our shop
 into a point.  with a little edible glue.      CLICK
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