Page 15 - Pauza Magazine
P. 15
“Now that we’ve crossed cani, because I’ve yet to taste a better domashna
into 2013, the last year in rakija. But an even bigger hit, also courtesy of my
Macedonia for most of us favorite pchelar, was the dark planinski honey I
brought in a small container. People used it with
MAK 16s, I really want to filtered coffee, tea, scones, sandwiches, and
make this one count and sometimes just straight out of the jar (a favorite
method of mine). Thanks to my holiday trip, my
go out strong.” friend from Kocani has at least one potential hon-
ey export market in the US.
back atmosphere, scenery, and mouth-watering Before I had a chance to adapt to being back, I
(and sweat-inducing) New Mexican food. I even was already on my way out a week after arrival.
had a pizza, at a micro-brewery no-less that had While I felt like I was traveling for half my trip, I
blue corn crust covered with chicken marinated in thoroughly enjoyed the time with my parents, my
green chili sauce. Yum. Not to mention the usual sister and her family, and my grandmother when
enchiladas, chile rellenos, and sopapillas (Google we finally all gathered in Santa Fe. It was the
them, they’re amazing). I’m still kicking myself for much-needed ‘recharge’ I needed, and it validat-
forgetting to bring back some green chili powder ed why Christmas time is always the most special
or other local specialties. Despite this explosion for our family. I also realized that I wasn’t ready
of New Mexican food heaven, I still did my part to return to America for good just yet. Now that
to show my family a bit of Macedonian food and we’ve crossed into 2013, the last year in Macedo-
drink. One night I made shopska salata for meze nia for most of us MAK 16s, I really want to make
with the honey rakija I brought in my luggage. It this one count and go out strong. It’s time to feel
was the first rakija experience for everyone, and that sense of urgency, make things happen, go
while they thought it was definitely a bit strong, that extra mile, and every other sports cliché you
most everyone asked for another pour. That’s a can possibly think of. We just started the fourth
credit to the skills of my beekeeper friend in Ko- quarter, it’s go-time.
Photo by Paul Bonwich, Santa Fe Plaza
Fall 2012 – 15
Winter 2013 – 15