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pcv projects


   Power                                                        for Work and Community Inclusion project came

                                                                to life. We reviewed a grant they had submitted in
                                                                the past and applied the ideas, with an additional
                                                                activity program, to expand the limited workspace
                                                                in which Poraka Nasha Kumanovo currently func-
       By Mary Hulse, MAK 16                                    tions.

       How quickly time flies and life changes, there are  At  Poraka  Nasha,  we  all  work  together  in  one
       now new volunteers  in Macedonia  that are just  large  room that is partially  sectioned  off to pro-
       starting to  get a feel for their communities and  vide a semblance of a classroom, but this set-up
       work-sites, some who may be wondering  how  is stretching the resources we have, not to men-
       they will bring change to the environment that sur- tion the concentration of the beneficiaries. So my
       rounds them.                                             co-workers and I began plans to expand the facil-
                                                                ity of the Day Center by adding an outdoor patio
       I know I had such thoughts a year ago and once  of  sorts. The  beautiful  finished  product  we  have
       again those thoughts continue to visit me during  today would not have been possible without the
       times of quietness. As we all provide assistance to  generous outpouring of the community and an ad-
       those around us, I hope we can share our stories  ditional grant from the state-side NGO, Friends of
       of how things came to be and the lives that were  Macedonia. The project enabled Poraka Nasha to
       touched.                                                 build an outdoor extension to the building so that
                                                                the beneficiaries could utilize the increased space
       During this past year I worked with my organiza- for outside activities and  enjoy beautiful weather
       tion, Poraka Nasha of Kumanovo, to dream and  upon completion of the day’s activities.
       complete  a  SPA  project  grant  through  Peace
       Corps Macedonia with funding from USAID. Pora- The beneficiaries have thoroughly enjoyed using
       ka Nasha is a non-profit that provides independent  the outdoor center and we even held a class on
       living  education  and  social  interaction  for adults  horticulture, inviting  students from the neighbor-
       with intellectual  disabilities.  The center currently  ing high school to join us. During the fall, activities
       services twenty-one  adults from multiple  ethnic  were regularly held outside along with physical ac-
       backgrounds. Every day, breakfast and lunch are  tivity. It is a great expansion and the beneficiaries
       provided to the individuals who attend the center  enjoy having a space to sit outside at the end of
       and the meal is always prepared by the beneficia- the day and speak with neighbors as they pass.
       ries themselves.
                                                                We at Poraka Nasha hope to use this center even
       Our project idea arose from a simple concept: what  more in the spring and will work on planting trees
       had my organization applied to in the past but did  and other flowering plants. I enjoyed working with
       not receive? Could we possibly look at these ideas  my coworkers to bring the grant to fruition and they
       again and find elements that we could rework for  did an excellent job including me in the process. I
       the present time? That is how the Engaging the In- even learned new building and material words in
       tellectually  Disabled  through Expanded  Program  Macedonian!

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