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pcv projects

 EKO-MAKEDONIJA PROJECTS        pansion Project”
                                 Project:  “PeLAGonia LEADER:  Small Business Ex-

                                PCV: Hana Truscott, MAK16
                                                                                  By the Environmental Working Group,  Site: Municipality of Novaci, Village of Novaci

                                                                                                                                    Peace Corps Macedonia Partner: Funded by USAID and implemented by the
                               CARANA Corporation

                               Status:  4 year project commenced Dec 2012

                               Activities: The Municipality of Novaci has been cho-
                               sen for the pilot project, in which two farmers will re-
                              ceive drip irrigation technology and expert guidance
                              on both tomato and corn planting with the goal of

                              drastically increasing yield of each crop. Should this
                              pilot project be successful, additional farmers can
 Here’s a sneak             lagers. Thank you to the Peace Corps program man-
                             invest in the new technology. If crops average high
 peek into a few
 our PCVs and host  organizations
                             yields, farmers will be contracted by local food en-
 ecological projects of
                             terprises  for  multi-year  contracts,  and  farming  just
 that are helping create a better
                             might become a lucrative business for my fellow vil-
 future for Macedonia.
                            agers for sending out an announcement about this
                            opportunity and making it possible. Our farmers are

                                        Project: Adopt a park

 Project: “Living History: Living Nature”  PCV: Stephen Robinson, MAK16
                                        Site: Local Development Agency, Struga
 PCV: Hana Truscott, MAK16              Grant: $22,000.00 from The State Alumni
 Site: Municipality of Novaci, Village of Novaci
 Grant:  227,132.00 Euro from European Union IPA
                                        Community Contribution: $8,400.00
 Cross-Border Greece-Macedonia Programme Fund
                                        Status: Ongoing project until May 2013
 Community Contribution: 13,361.00 Euro
                                        Activities: creation of an extracurricular school
 + 26,721.00 Euro from the Macedonian government

 Partner:  Municipality of Almopia in Aridea,
                                        subjects are taught for 6 months, then those
                                        trained groups will transform local vacant lots
 Status:  Ongoing from Jan 2013 to June 2014
 Greece                                 called “green academy” where environmental
                                        into parks this spring. The best park will be cho-
 Activities: Cross-border collaboration for docu-
                                        sen as the site of a large environmental event,
 mentation of historical monuments and natural
                                        where the green academy students will pres-
 heritage sites, restoration of monuments, histori-
                                        ent what they learned on poster boards similar
 cal and natural path design, trail construction,
                                        to a science fair on the main walkway.
 publishing of tour guides for historical and natural

 paths on both sides of the border, and digital ex-

 hibition of historical and natural path trail systems.

                                                                                                  Winter 2013 – 23
                                                                                                    Fall 2012 – 23
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