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features: winter 2013

       January 1, 2012                       February 1, 2012                      March 1, 2012

              Remembering 2012:

                    Our first year in Macedonia

       By Lew Hemmer, MAK 16                                    And in that beautiful moment, I decided to
                                                                mark the progress of our first year in Mace-
                                                                donia by photographing the sunrise on the
       A little over a year ago, I awoke Christmas              first day of each month and from the same
       morning with several feelings of wonder.                 spot. The year passed by as we all worked
       Here we were, newly sworn in PCVs living                 on acculturating, establishing our work pri-
       in-country nearly four months and having                 orities, and finding time to get together on
       our  first  Christmas  outside  of  the  United          one occasion or another. Many of us made
       States.  As I was reminiscing about fam-                 time to explore beautiful Macedonia and to
       ily and friends far away, a glorious sunrise             travel to far (or not so far) away countries.
       appeared and all thoughts seemed to fade                 For every one of us, the sunrises depicted
       away. I was captivated by the beauty of the              in these pictures and the months they repre-
       moment.                                                  sent from this past year in Peace Corps will

                                                                bring forth different memories.

       July 1, 2012                          August 1, 2012                        Septmber 1, 2012

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