Page 27 - Pauza Magazine
P. 27

features: winter 2013

 What You’re Loving This Winter


           Harold Sargent

                MAK 17
  “I am loving  the beautiful
  mountains and winter snow in
  Mavrovo-Rostushe C Jance”                                                                  19
  (right)                                             16
                 13                                 Sam Cicero                            Enid Moore
                                                                                            MAK 16

              Enid Moore                              MAK 17                  “Late night adult English
                MAK 16                  “The mildest winter EVER in           classes with skara and café.”
                                        the history of  Macedonia. I
  “The biker bar in Tetovo.”            think.”                                            20
               14                                  17                                    Nick Motwani

            Justin Ritsema                                                                  MAK 17

                MAK 17                              Erika Furey               “NO SNOW!”
                                                      MAK 17                                21
  “Playing  basketball  at  my
  school’s gym in the evenings          “Bird watching from  a great
  (and getting schooled by 16           spot I found and “introducing”                  Scott Johnson
  year olds).”                          myself to the woodpeckers                           MAK 17
                                        and kinglets.”                         “Running. The  mild weather

                                                      18                       in the  SE  corner has  been
                                                                               so mild  that I’ve been  able

                                                  Hana Truscott                to run in a T-shirt and shorts.
                                                                               The looks I  get from locals
                                                      MAK 16                   are sometimes priceless.”
                                        “Blindfold  dinner  at Ste-                         22
                                        phen’s in Struga, particularly
                                        the decadent rice balls that I                  Faron Sagebiel
                                        couldn’t see, but can still re-                     MAK 16
                                        member the taste!” (left)              “The cozy pub in Strumica:

     15                                                                             https://www.facebook.

              Rebecca Reeves          [    ]                                               23
                    MAK 16                                                                Hana Truscott

  “Building snowmen with my                                                                  MAK 16
  host siblings, and cuddling                                                    “MAK 16 Aaron Weaver’s
  up under a heavy blanket                                                       yedi hat. I want one.” (left)
  watching films/TV shows.”                                                                       Winter 2013 – 27
                                                                                                    Fall 2012 – 27
 Photo by Lew Hemmer, Getting Through the Winter by Napping on my Termopechka
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